NFC antenna amplifier/Resonance Circuit project

If only I could get that xglo powder silkscreened…

DM me. I can send you a v1

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V2 units have arrived. As noted this is my 4th batch attempt at these.

They Function!!

I am not completely happy with the current tuning but its within an acceptable enough range that they do indeed function to repeat the signal. I think this has to do with the size. These are chonkers. However they fit just fine in my phone case and now transmit through it very well.

I will be looking to reduce the footprint of these to make in a flex pcb. Overall thickness isnt much thicker than the current PCB adapters i made.

I made a batch of 100 of these. Ill be keeping 4 to my self for testing on the next batch and will be sending off the rest of them to Amal.

My focus now is going to split. V2.1 of this size is going to be focused on fine tuning.

V3 will be the flex PCB

V4 will be in reducing size from 2.5" to around 1".

Amal, ill try to get these sent out tomorrow. Please do your own testing with them to see if they are within spec as they resonate a bit outside of 13.56 but still within range to repeat the signal. i see it dead nuts at 15.2Mhz but i also see my xsiid at 14.2. The curve is deep so it still functions it just isnt at peak.


Holy fuck

I didn’t understand the gibberish, and don’t visualize in gobbledygook, but a picture paints a thousand words

Thats a huge bitch on Make a GIF

Not a critisism, just an observation

That .gif above was legitimately almost how I reacted when I saw the picture :rofl:

Have you done a range comparison with the V1?
funnily enough, I was going to post a question about your experiences with the V1 and the flipper, I will do that over on my review of the V1

Looks awesome though, I look forward to seeing them on the store.

Just a thought, Have you considered a rectangular / square shaped version.
I could see this working well for a number of things, including the iPhone and its top edge antenna.

If you would like some money to help with R&D let me know.

@Hamspiced Cool fucken project, Thanks for sharing

Also, another personal thanks for my V1’s they are a game changer


Feel free to hit me up


I can’t wait to try them with my fucked up nothing phone 2.


I have a Nothing Phone 1 and I have experienced issues with read range since the jump from Nothing OS 1 to Nothing OS 2. I currently have Nothing OS 2.0.5 installed, as it is the latest available version for the older Phone 1. Thanks to your video, I’ll make sure NOT to update to 2.5.2 when it releases. I guess it’s time for a new phone already, after only having this one for like 2 years :person_facepalming:

I ended up talking to Google about it because Nothing must cert their OS release according to Google… they are reviewing… there is also a problem with Google Pay related to this same issue, and while they could probably get away with not caring that a few people can’t scan small NFC transponders, Google will shit their pants if people can’t pay with Google Pay / Wallet.


I have a need and a want for these sooner than soon!


I want to get the antenna tuned perfectly. Once i can get that aligned in this size, and then in flex, i really want to learn from you and your design. I have done a lot of reading on what is available around the parasitic capacitance that you told me about in Discord and as fascinating as it is i need to give it my full attention. Which i cant yet.

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Fair enough. I don’t mind doing some of the legwork so if you want help before you nail the tuning it might save you some time headaches and money

Holy shit. This literally saved me. Thanks so much @Hamspiced

Couldn’t even log into my accounts on my factory reset Nothing Phone 2. I tried a few different places for the repeater sticker v1 prototype @Hamspiced sent me… this spot works excellently.

I’ll record a video tomorrow.


Amal said you’re taking this on as a personal challenge, which I wholely respect. If I had realized I wouldn’t have been so persistent with my offers of help. I know you’re up to the task, I just thought I could save you some grief. Wasn’t trying to be condescending.

I offer help to a lot of people in the community, and a few have been hesitant because they overvalued my time. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t doing that. Good luck in your quest comrade :saluting_face:

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Not sure where this is coming from, That is totally how you came across, genuine offers of help and not condescending at all.

You certainly do
(not the most accurate searc criteria, I could pull up a bunch of ACTUAL examples, but you get the idea)

I dont think you have anything to apologise for.

I can’t speak on behalf of @Hamspiced but I highly doubt he saw your offer as anything but genuine.

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Sometimes you just need a win.

Also I learn best by doing. I can’t see my mistakes and learn from them if I have someone else do the work. Also I’m still just barely learning PCB design and still need to get into altium.

I never took you for condescending or pushy at all! You’re a resource I haven’t utilized yet. That’s all on me and my division of time that I can allocate right now. As my littlest is and to sleep more easily through the night my time will open up

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I wasn’t seriously concerned that I was being condescending, but it doesn’t hurt to explicitly dispel any notion of it and highlight that I’m aware that’s how it could come off. Especially if others come across my posts without all the context in the future. I’m not trying to white knight over here is all I’m saying.

I’m glad you’re taking on such a challenging endeavor. Just a heads up Amal will likely have me working on a similar project in the near future so it could have been useful to collaborate. He wants it with more of the advanced features like waveguides and onboard tuning capacitance that I’ve been working on lately.


I don’t even know how you got prompted for security key when logging into Android System.

I’ve tried it on multiple phones and it doesn’t even list it as an MFA option. Maybe something to do with Passkey vs Security key or something with Pixel phones?

First I set up my account with 2FA security key (not passkey, so U2F fido)

Then I was adding my Google account to my new Nothing Phone 2 with OS 2.5.2 which is Android 14 based. It asked me then. I don’t think after I’ve authenticated my account on the phone it will ask me again, even for web logins to like Gmail etc.

Some pixel phones have a security key built in that can auto-authenticate for you

Use your phone's built-in security key - Android - Google Account Help

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I don’t really want to use the phone as a security key. But regardless the point was that I would like the ability to sign into a new phone with FIDO rather than having to use a backup code (if I don’t have a spare phone with the Apex Manager app for TOTP).

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Just offering a possible explanation as to why the option hasn’t appeared for you

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