NFC implant suddenly moved

Hi I self installed my implant on the 31st December and it’s been working fine and settled down nicely.into position. However last week it suddenly was harder to scan and I initially thought it must have embedded deeper but on feeling around the chip had moved right to the bottom.of the join between my thing and finger towards my wrist. I gentled pushed on the bottom and the chip had popped back up to its original position.

Do you think I need to remove it and reimplant it or stay back imposition

Spontaneous migration well after installation tends to indicate changes in lifestyle, stress, nutrition, or all of the above. Removing it and re-installing it will not likely result in a stable installation. Try placing it back into position and then constructing a “splint” using toothpicks or some other small diameter material. Tape this down tightly overtop the installation site to form a kind of “cage” around it. Then try to ensure you are getting good nutrition. Take a multivitamin, preferably a pre-natal (for pregnant women) which has collagen and keratin boosting properties (you may notice increased hair and fingernail growth). Other collagen boosters may help as well.

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Hey Amal.

Brilliant thanks for the advice . I was really happy with its location and use. I’ll do what you said. It’s strange that it has suddenly. Done this as I haven’t really changed anything in my lifestyle. But I’ll take some.supplements and see what happens. Thanks again

Both my installs have done some acrobatics. xNT self install - #10 by turbo2ltr

That’s good to know. Did they settle down. I was surprised it moved cause it’s been pretty sound until. Now…weirdly it’s settled down all day now and remained in place.

When aging can de chip go wandering about? I guess collagen disapears with aging?

Yeah there are a lot of things that change with age, and fascia tissue gets less dense.

But what if you have the new Vivokey implanted for POS terminal payments and you get older, the chip can no longer be used because it has landed in an unusable place in your hand? Could that be the case?

My RFID chip had settled and anchored itself nicely at one location. And then the other day, as I was moving some furniture, it got brutally pushed along its long axis. I didn’t even feel it, until I washed my hands and felt the implant slide right back where it usually sits. Now there’s like a little tunnel under my skin along which I can push the chip, maybe half an inch, and then as I move my hand, the chip returns where I had originally implanted it and it sort of “clicks” into place. I have a feeling that’s permanent.

Nothing’s permanent in biohacking!

You probably just burst the cartilage encapsulation. If the damage was very recent your body might still be responding to it. You could take some prenatal vitamins and ensure the implant stays stationary for a few weeks and it might settle back into place.

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yep… sounds like it broke out of its encapsulation pocket. as @Satur9 said, prenatal vitamins promote collagen and fibrin production, so definitely try taking those for a few weeks… and also i would put the implant where you want it, and then take a toothpick or two and build a little corral for it to keep it in place, and tape that all down nice and tight for as long as you can… a couple weeks if possible… it should lock down again.

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Well, the chip stays put in its normal place. If it does move - which is never, unless I cause it to be forcefully dislodged somehow - it returns to its little pocket within 10 seconds just with normal hand movements. So yeah, I’ll try the vitamins. But mostly I reckon all I need to do is leave it be.

Unfortunately, I still have a few days of intense physical work to do with my hands because I’m moving out, and I need to shift junk I collected over 15 years out of my house - and I’m a bit of a packrat. So I’ll try to be careful, but I fear the chip might shift again. Oh well, it doesn’t bother me or anything. Better, it might even be viewed as a safety feature, in that the chip will get out of the way instead of piercing the skin if it resisted.

Funnily enough, the NFC chip in my left hand quickly migrated very deep under the skin right at the base of my thumb, quickly got surrounded by hard tissue, and never moved afterward. The RFID chip that moves around in my right hand stayed very close to the skin and never got surrounded by any tissue. I suppose it wasn’t coated or something…