NSFL/NSFW Magnet Prototype - I Need Coating Ideas

Ok so this is definitely NSFW and NSFL but I’m currently in the planning phase for a clitoris magnet. The location and density of nerve endings in the clitoris would likely cause it to be a great place for sensing. However, the magnet needs to stay incredibly small and be pretty powerful. I have a wholesaler for N55 magnets but now I’m onto the coating problem. I can’t use a titanium casing like the Titan due to the already discussed problems of size and manufacturing cost. I was thinking a gold coated magnet with another coating of parylene may make a great sensing magnet(as a few people have parylene magnets that have lasted years). These magnets probably would also not undergo nearly as much physical trauma as a fingertip magnet would(a little worried about vibrators) so I figured a coating would likely be fine. I know a few people who are incredibly interested in this so if anyone has any good ideas for coatings in 2024 I’d love to hear em. Thanks everyone.


After testing a ton of coatings I can say parylene is possible but extremely fragile post-manufacture and the chances of it cracking or pitting prior to implantation is extremely high. A magnet coating failure in the clitoris seems like one of those things you really don’t want to happen… metal poisoning, digging bits and pieces out, parylene particle contamination, etc.


Yeah that’s why I’m pretty wary of parylene but I’m not sure of many other coatings. Satur9 said TiN might work due the magnets ridiculously small size. It’s something I’d do a ton of testing on before ever implanting in someone. The thought of a coating failure happening inside someone’s genitalia sorta haunts me lmao

No TiN is what we tried for the m31 magnets and it also fails. The problem is metal graining and the incomplete ionic binding of the various deposition methods involved.


Hmmm well this is why I posted this thread. I wanna hear the pros and cons of everything. I haven’t had any magnets implanted but a Titan due to this exact problem. Maybe casings is truly the only way to go. There any way glass capsules could even be made at that size? And still be strong enough and not completely hinder the ability for the magnet to move?

I actually have a new idea for magnets the size of the m31… no timeline on that though… but now maybe there’s a reason to accelerate research.


I mean there’s def at least 3 people on the discord that have shown some serious interest in a clitoris magnet and it’s gotta be TINY to fit in most of em. I feel like it would have to be n55 at least to be really useful at the range ur genitals would have to be unless everyone started shoving things into themselves to tell if they’re magnetic lmao

Just curious, how much could it cost to machine a Titanium case for a one off magnet?

It’s probably not the machining, but the laser welding without exceeding curie temp… that’s the tricky stuff

Also, smaller you get the harder that’s going to be due to less thermal mass

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There is way around that when laser welding magnets. I’ve done aluminum and copper holder specifically to absorb the heat and not damage the magnets

I’m not saying you can’t,
I’m just saying as you make the magnet and casing smaller and smaller, it’s easier and easier for too much heat to soak into the magnet

Smaller = harder was all

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I’m pretty sure they remagnetize them after the sealing process.

That would be easier, I thought I remember reading the heat was an issue with titan first run tho :man_shrugging:t2:

I’ll shut up and go away now

Magnetizing is a violent process so they are magnetized after sealing. However it’s still possible to damage the magnetic material with excessive heat… though it’s much higher than the curie temp.

Trivia points - you can remag a neodymium magnet 2 or maybe 3 times total before it basically shatters internally.


Hi everyone! I think this is like my second time posting so far so be nice please haha.
Anyway, something that occurs to me while reading this thread is electroplating. A proper plating will end up with an extremely thin (microns depending from what Ive heard) layer being deposited onto the item. This would solve a lot of the issues you guys are bringing up, I believe. I’ve done copper electroplating, and I’m not sure which coating you would actually want endgame but gold is very possible also. All it would involve is acquiring the electrode material, some electrolyte (which you can make) and a car battery or similar.

?? Idk what do you folks think?


Electroplating is nothing new in the world of biomagnets. All sorts of coatings have been tried. Gold works especially well but is soft and will break down over time.


I like the fact you are considering problems and suggesting solutions.


The plating, whetever that is, needs to play nice inside the human body.

If you’re in a position to test and share in a project thread, that would be awesome…

Well, I have actually been thinking of getting an RFID implant… Just haven’t got around to figuring out which kind would be better suited for me. But yes I think that’s a great idea, I’ll have to dedicate some time to figuring it all out and getting it done. I’ll be a guinea pig haha no problem.

That’s an interesting idea. Is there a substrate that would clearly indicate if the coating had failed, but without the metals poisoning?

Basically a trial material for various coatings. Implant, wait 6-12 months, and then have a look. But without all the rust. And… it needs some indication if failure occurs, so something like titanium wouldn’t work. Not rusty enough.

I use various types of paper sensors, encapsulate it, then run accelerated in vitro testing. I can’t really think of anything that would be safe to implant that would perform the same functions so testing out of the body is important.


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