Numbing Gel vs Emla Patch vs PMK

cute monster :wink:
Though “squishing” a unicorn feels… violent, somehow :smile:

You’ll be happy to know that in our VR space that @RyuuzakiJulio is working on there is a relevant Easter egg.


I’m wondering if you’re talking about something unicorn-y or rather something that has to do with lube and penetration…

Guess I’ll pay it a visit either way :wink:

That is, in a few months… renovation still takes some time^^


Well half hour for payment flex needle install, looks like I’m doing it raw, hopefully I’m not terribly stupid


Try to concentrate on your breathing, literally “breathing the pain away” - or just enjoy :wink:
Anyway, wish you a good and easy installation!


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How did it go?
Did you have and use needle lube?

Disregard, I’m just playing catchup and saw it here