yeah… feasible yes, practical no.
The blue has been accepted by my friend so the white is the only one left… do you want it for $150?
I should also mention this ntag i2c chip is the 2k version but the ndef capability container has been limited to 1k so you should not have any issues with overwriting to sector 1. All new xSIID will have this change implemented as well, but they will not be available until late November.
Can I pay for it next week?
no problem… it’ll be on my desk waiting for you until then
…will be in touch
Hopefully they will come to the store
A green would be amazing.
If you try to make say a dual green and blue one… you know for science, to see if you can, and it has no home…
I call dibs
I would say the same for a white/blue or a white/red, but anyways I have to eat macaroni until Halloween to pay for the one on Amal’s table
One sec, let me recap!
I dibsed an xSIID:
-that is actually more like a FlexSIID?
-that is also a Beta?
-in a colour that is not even available with other SIIDs??
-and it talks to the Sentero??
-for less then £120???
I won the jackpot!
So those are blinkies on steroids - no transponders, right?
SIID module would be NTAG I2C + LED
Honestly this makes a much better product than the usual xSIID.
You can actually see the LED!
Is there a chance these will be available regulary in future?
Not likely, but possibly… need to discuss with dsruptive.
I would be totally down to buy a green one! I still need to find a body mod artist in the north Texas area.
Sorry they are all spoken for at this point
Not even as a custom job? If enough custom orders are placed, it might shift that “not likely, but possibly” to a new blinky. If the $150 mark on price might be an indicator, I guess the people will purchase.
@amal, you just have to broadcast the same wallet emptying waves as you did arround the Titan crowd funding to make this a reality:grin:
There are reasons… mostly that we have a legal agreement with dsruptive to make glass transponders (xSIID) with the modules supplied. Flex versions of those are not part of the agreement and it simply needs to be cleared.
The other issue is that the flex material around the module has to be thickened due to the thickness of the module itself… it is arranged such that it has a very large z-axis and it’s not fun to process these… I did it as a side project… just testing… but going into production… I mean sure maybe it’s possible but I dunno… maybe.
Thanks for clarifying, it’s not like I have the money to throw at this right now anyway.
I’m waiting for news on the Walletmor, before I decide if I go with that or the Tiatan this round
As much as I’d like them all, the new house will be a major dumpsite for most of my $$$ for a while