Show off your x-rays! :x_ray_hand:

Niiiiceeeee. Asking because I have an xG3 sitting on my shelf and I’m quite intent on putting it in. But the length intimidates me. Especially since I use my hands quite actively. And the parylene, does it scare you if you ever need to have it removed for some reason? (Just asking about that out of curiosity since it seems to be pretty rarely used in the newer implants from what I see)

I’ve heard the rumors on parylene but mine have been doing fine for at least 2 years so… :crossed_fingers: I had a gold one a loooong time ago and it was easy to remove so I’m not too worried.
A tip for the xG3: don’t put it where I have mine. It’s not a good spot for lifting nor sensing and take a lot of useful space :wink:

Hmmmm so where would you reccomend? I was thinking maybe the medial phalange on my ring finger, but that feels risky. I was also thinking perhaps forearm but that might be pretty bad for sensing / lifting

I don’t see a reason to put it in the forearm. If I were to change mine I would probably put it on the knife edge or between metacarpals (to conduct the vibration through the bones? maybe?). If you have large fingers then go for the fingers, I don’t :frowning:

There was one ~7 months ago, you can check it out if you want to see more x-rays. You could always have @Pilgrimsmaster merge the threads if you’d like, too.

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very old x-ray from 2018. I think I must get a new one soon

today: it eould be lighting up like a christmas tree


I already posted this one somewhere on the forum, but this is a nice place for it, I guess…:wink:


Great images everyone, this are very interesting!!

This is from the same time as the one I use for a profile picture- my 3 (well, 2.5) dental epoxy magnets from before having them removed a couple years back.

Oh the joys of being in the medial field :slight_smile:

These were pics of my old xLED that I removed. Still need to get new images of my NExT. I’m hoping to get a 3D CBCT of that one :slight_smile:

Here is my xM1 chip :smiley:


Wow, that’s a super detailed x-ray! Probably one of the highest quality ones I’ve seen posted here.

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Well, I work at a hospital, and this is a new xray they have for testing :slight_smile:

How does one recreationally get their hands x-ray’d?

Tell your doctor you have chip implants and want to check to see they haven’t moved or there isn’t something bad going on with them.


I’m taking it that this wouldn’t be covered by insurance?

It depends on your insurance, and how it is billed.

Technically it should be covered like any other x-ray as long as it is done for a valid medical reason. If you go to the doctor and say “I have an implant can I have an X-Ray so I can show it to people” they might well refuse the X-Ray and Insurance could certainly claim that it wasn’t necessary and is not covered.

Placement/migration concerns and questions about healing should be valid.

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Also having a friend that’s a vet and has a practice would be a good option also


well this is a whole lot cooler than i thought it would be!

not showing:
-xG3 on wrist (kind of showing)
-white xLED 13.56mhz up my arm
and the 3 on my right hand - i’ll try to get those too one day.


The size difference between the xG3 and the other glassies is surprisingly easy to see on an x-ray.

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