Proxmark 3 easy on an iPad

Got no doubts you are right, but the flex implants are a bit too invasive for my taste. They are at least too complex for a diy approach to the implanting procedure.

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They are really VERY similar to an xSeries, From memory you have a NExT correct?
If so, the pain will be very much the same. Wound closure may be slightly more, but still quick and easy ( just adhesive bandage :adhesive_bandage: or Butterfly i.e. stitches not required)

We ( the community ) wouldn’t reccomend a self install to anybody, but people still do them; so whilst not endorsed, it is doable.

And where you say self, IF you werent going to a professional, you really should have somebody to help…or go to a pro

Valid points all of them. Yes, I have a NExT, it it’s done by me, alone. Knowing my limitations, I would need help doing a flex, and I don’t know anyone willing to. Which means I would need to research professionals. Of course possible, but as of know my only use case is hotel key cards, which is simply not holding water. At home my NExT does everything I need from an implant for now, perhaps in the future a use case for flex will reveal itself.
If it were possible to clone my visa card to a flex, I would already have it in my hand :joy:

i’m came on here to ask about PM3 via ipad also. great work on using rpi as middleman, that was my thought too, but are you aware that the ipad pro outputs 7.5W from its USB-C port so you can forget about additional battery/AC charger??? this video covers how it all works: Mobile Raspberry Pi Setup with iPad Pro - Coding, Productivity & More - YouTube
not sure of power requirements of zero and PM3 but should be well under ipad’s max output.
Edit: that video uses an rpi4 so it’s not exactly a how-to on powering your specific setup but hopefully the principle is transferable

Great tip, thank you! Didn’t think of that.

I really need to finish my image, but I have a raspberry pi zero w 2 image that includes the Proxmark3 software and sets up a wireless access point. The next (last) step is to have the Proxmark3 software already compiled.

You can ssh from anything into the pi and use the pm3. I am tempted to add a web terminal as well to make it even easier.

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I’d be interested in getting a copy of that image if you’re willing to share? Thinking again about the iPad specific use case, you could write Shortcuts with specific SSH commands to make it even easier. Just plug in your Pi/PM3 contraption, wait a bit and then “Hey Siri, Proxmark Auto Scan” or whatever you’ve called the shortcut.

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The thread about the image is here…
Proxmark3 Easy and Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

I will put the configuration file and the image up on GitHub shortly and let you know.

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Great, thank you. I’ll probably use a full Pi4 when I get my setup going, will be sure to document it all and share here so there are a couple of options for everyone looking to do this.

Link to the image (gzipped) and the modified pi-gen fork.

There might be an issue with the current version of the Iceman repo. (I got an error message compiling it).

I will try on my main box and see if I can resolve it.

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Problem resolved … The raspberry pi zero 2 w does not like make -j. Just use make.

Awesome, thanks. I still need to get hardware so will be a while before I get to test it out. Am really glad I stumbled across this thread and have another use for the Pi/iPad combo I was already going to get!

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I have used a raspberry pi zero 2 w as it is smaller and cheaper. And I can ssh into it from my phone to use the PM3 software.

Next steps will be a web terminal so you don’t need to ssh, and then I have a tiny display that I want to try (with custom scripts to run common commands).


Are the pi zero 2 w’s still hard as hell to get?
I have an old spare zero w I’d like to try if you think it would work.


I have no idea, I got lucky and got mine just before they became impossible to find.

I don’t think the 64 bit image I built will work on the raspberry pi zero w, but I can build a 32 bit image easily enough. Give me some time to build it and I’ll let you know. (It’s 4:30 AM here right now)


That would be awesome!

I wish I had the mental capacity to do it myself.
There’s no rush, I’m just tickled it can be done and can’t wait to make a headless proxmark3!

For use with my iPad :wink:
(for the purpose of staying on topic)


I can probably get to it this evening, but if I want to do it properly and dig out my pi zero w and test before releasing it then it might take an extra day. I’m not sure where the Pi Zero W is right now.

If I add the web terminal on too then definitely give me an extra day.


Can we call your stand alone unit a

you can do it using termius and a pi over ssh its what i use on my day to day