Well, I have started on my quest to make a useful doohickey out of a raspberry pi 0 2w. I have a lightweight image that can boot, connect to a network and I can ssh in.
It will be the same codebase for the raspberry pi client as the PC client or Mac client. I have moved my Proxmark3 between windows, Linux on a raspberry pi and android without any issues.
This is initially a method of providing a relatively low cost option for a Proxmark3 client without any tricky set up on the end user side.
The addition of a screen and controls will allow some basic commands to be run without any extras.
I have gone slightly out of order and have the Raspberry pi image working as a wireless access point.
There is also a git clone of the Iceman repo. All I had to do was boot the image, login, cd Proxmark3, make, sudo make install, pm3_flash_all and then pm3 worked.
Next step is to package the entire pm3 build and have the package pre-installed.
Depending on the image on your Proxmark3 easy you might need to flash it to use the client. They don’t have to match but they do need to be close.
The 64 bit image is working. Copy it to a tf card (I use dd if=proxmark3-64bit.img of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress)
Boot your raspberry pi zero 2 W (or any other 64 bit capable raspberry pi) and wait. It will resize the file systems, and start up a wifi access point with the name PM3.
Once that is up you can connect to it (it has no internet access). The password is DangerousThings.
Plug the Proxmark3 easy into the USB port (I bought a six inch micro USB to micro USB cable for this).
I should add that the 32 bit image is not quite working… So that will take a bit more finagling, but I hope to get it completed in the next day or two.
@ItaBeAight was asking if it would work on a Raspberry Pi Zero W, as they have one they could use. That would take the 32 bit version.
To be honest I am impressed with how well the Proxmark3 software works with ttyd. If they were more readily available I would suggest just buying a new Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. But Amazon has 2 at $77 so yeah…
Just last night I was able to locate some pi zero 2 kits which come with other things I may or may not need but makes the $50 price a little more justifiable.
VILROS is the seller, I believe they are approved by raspberry so I believe they can be trusted.
Hey @Zwack , did you have any more luck with the 32bit image? The 64 bit pi zero 2 w’s are so hard to find at the moment! I’ve tried compiling the whole lot myself but my pi is just hanging when compiling.