We now have Proxmark3 Easy units on the store pre-loaded with the elite Iceman/RRG firmware!
WHY do you keep adding things that I HAVE to buy?
Anyone know what the limitations of this are compared to the RDV4?
I wonder if this would be easier than trying to square mine away…
I bought mine on AliExpress 2 weeks ago, gonna get here in the next week or so would have totally waited and paid the extra money for reliable US shipping and customer support.
well… in short
• no proxLF antenna, but not a showstopper
• no fancy on board battery option
• no bluetooth expansion board option (but has headless USB side port)
• not very slim so difficult to use in covert ops
Basically if you just need something you can pull from a drawer every once in a while to tinker on something or clone a thing or investigate an unknown card or fob, this is a great option.
excuse my dumb question, but is it possible for the Rdv4 to be used on the go without a computer?
yes this is called headless operation… though i don’t have a good example to link to that shows how to do this…
Oh hell yea, i was going to build a device with was just a portable box with a reader inside that could be powered and the reader would set off my leds, just so i could demo my implant on the go without a phone. but i may just save up for the Rdv4 as it will be a useful tool anyway
Have you seen the HF LED Power Bracelet project? it is still slowly progressing!
i have! it is where i thought of the idea of making a little box, a bracelet would be amazing, but i wanted something else that i can hodge podge together with what i have at home till i had money to make something better
Depending on the version, I believe the Easy can do it as well. Certain PM3 easy models have a seperate USB port for connecting to a battery bank for headless operation (I believe this is what Amal meant when he mentioned the headless USB side port). The version with the powerbank port is Bundle 1 on the PiSwords store, and I presume the same as the one on the DT store.
So the circuitry would be the same if you wanted to copy it, we are fairly close (I say we but I have been taking a break for a bit) difference is that a reader would have less power than the oscillator we are building if the only goal was to light something up because we do not need to modulate the field just provide RF power. We are just working on amplifying the signal right now so that it can power from a greater range. Either way great idea, good luck and feel free to message in that thread if you want to bounce ideas of me or the others working on it.
Yes this is correct, it has a side port for headless power operation.
Mine only has 1 port, so what does that mean?
There’s also a button and led indicators, than can change… that I have zero understanding of
Basically you are tied to a computer for use.
2nd port is for power, so you can use it offline
So what happens when I push the button and it cycles thru led indicators
Assumed it was some stand alone basic features
That depends on your firmware and configuration.
Cool… so god only knows what it’s doing lol
Is this more flushed out with the DT offering, and is it a 2 port version?
Literally my least favorite words