Hi! I have a Proxmark3 Easy with 512MB space. Somehow, there are Lock Bits set at the end of the 512MB. The bootloader is working! I can flash a small 256MB firmware, but if I flash a bigger version, flashing doesn´t work, because of the Lock Bits at the end. I don’t have extra hardware to remove them. I read in the Internet, that as long as the bootloader is working, I can fix all problems just over USB. How can I remove the Lock Bits? Here is my output:
pm3 ~/proxmark3$ pm3-flash-fullimage
[=] Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear…
[=] Session log C:\ProxSpace\pm3/.proxmark3/logs/log_20220627.txt
[+] loaded from JSON file C:\ProxSpace\pm3/.proxmark3/preferences.json
[+] About to use the following file:
[+] C:\ProxSpace\pm3\proxmark3\client../armsrc/obj/fullimage.elf
[+] Loading ELF file C:\ProxSpace\pm3\proxmark3\client../armsrc/obj/fullimage.elf
[+] ELF file version Iceman/master/v4.14831-675-g636a85017 2022-06-27 00:55:26 f0adc4a2c
[+] Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear on COM3
[|] 59 found
[=] Available memory on this board: 512K bytes
[=] Permitted flash range: 0x00102000-0x00180000
[+] Loading usable ELF segments:
[+] 0: V 0x00102000 P 0x00102000 (0x00046c4c->0x00046c4c) [R X] @0x98
[+] 1: V 0x00200000 P 0x00148c4c (0x00001b08->0x00001b08) [R X] @0x46ce8
[=] Note: Extending previous segment from 0x46c4c to 0x48754 bytes
[+] Flashing…
[+] Writing segments for file: C:\ProxSpace\pm3\proxmark3\client../armsrc/obj/fullimage.elf
[+] 0x00102000…0x0014a753 [0x48754 / 580 blocks]
mm Lock Error
Lock Bits: 0xffff
[!] The flashing procedure failed, follow the suggested steps!
[+] All done
I already flashed the bootrom by itself, but when I then just flash the fullimage after that, I cannot flash it because of the lock bits. And a smaller image (256MB), I can flash without problems, because the lock bits are at the end.
I had the same issue as I used a chinese clone.
I had to unlock the second flash bank.
I used openocd (from Olimex-site v0.9.0-rc1 - I know, quite old - here under Software on the right) with the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD.
I had to edit the olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg and added a adapter_khz 6000.
After that, connect via telnet telnet localhost 4444, and enter the following commands:
reset halt
flash info 0
flash info 1
# for the second one, I`ve had "Pages in lock region: 1024", the first one hadn't any locks
# now unlocking the flash pages
flash protect 0 0 15 off
flash protect 1 0 15 off
you can try the flash info 1 again after unlocking and you should get “Pages in lock region: 0”.
Now you should be able to flash the fullimage.
You can also use any other JTAG-programmer that works with openocd, but you have to adjust the first configuration-file in the openocd-call above.
hello, i have the same issue so i tried what you said, but it dosn’t work!
when i enter the commande : ```
openocd.exe -f …\scripts\interface\ftdi\olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg -f …\scripts\target\at91sam7sx.cfg
it says : Warn : Flash driver of at91sam7s.flash does not support free_driver_priv()
Error: no device found
Error: unable to open ftdi device with vid 15ba, pid 0003, description 'Olimex OpenOCD JTAG', serial '*' at bus location '*'
can you help me?
Hi there,
today I’ve received my PROXMARK bought in my country and have no idea if it’s original or chinese clone,
but I am trapped in same issue…
First, I had an old bootloader so flashed pm3-flash-bootrom after that pm3-flash-all and bam!
I was mange to flash iceman firmware to my PM3e after few adventures…
I did all it is written in this awesome tutorial, just notice the best practice is to start from scratch:
fresh RaspOS
new cable
fresh pinout etc.
I’ll continue in this thread, tell me please if I should do something with the config of PM3 easy because it read all but not my NExT implant. As i know, might be a problem reading LF(hard to locate best spot) but it doesn’t see NTAG216 neither. Please give me some clues.