How to unbrick a PM3 easy!

Hey everyone, in light of @StrwbrrySam’s topic about his bricked PM3 easy, I thought I’d post a guide on how I recovered my PM3 after purposefully bricking it (yes I’m crazy, but it was as a test of the process).

First: DO NOT BOTHER WITH THE BUSPIRATE - while it is recommended elsewhere as an easy / cheap option, it was painful to use and did NOT work (for me).

Please feel free to make suggestions / give feedback. If you are trying to follow this guide, feel free to PM me here, message in this thread or ping me over on the discord server at DonFire (DonFire34) - I’m happy to walk people through the process / give as much help as I can, even if you’re using a different setup. Saying that, you follow this guide at your own risk, and I take no responsibility for any damage which could occur should something go wrong.

A few notes:

  • This guide assumes you will use linux to unbrick your PM3 - if you want to use windows, see the j-link unbricking link in the useful links section
    • You could probably use a Linux live USB, but you may encounter storage / software installation issues - see how you go
  • There are multiple JTAG programmers (probes) which theoretically could work - only some are supported out of the box by the proxmark recovery scripts (Raspberry Pi, j-link, c232hm, and a few others - buspirate is on this list but does NOT work)
  • I have personally tested this using a Raspberry Pi 3B model B as a JTAG probe - this thread / post is updated as other probes are tested
  • I have assumed some basic knowledge regarding using Linux - e.g. how to open a terminal, copy files, extract 7z files, edit files and change directories. If you need help with this, please let me know.

The overall general steps are:

  1. Disassemble back PCB from upper two PCBs by removing the 6 screws on the back of the easy
  2. Short pin 54 and 55 together on the AT91SAM7S512 and the power the easy for at least 1 second while shorted (then stop shorting / power off the easy) - this only needs to be done once, if you brick your easy again you can skip this
  3. Install openOCD
  4. Download the iceman repo if you have not already done so (looking at you, windows users)
  5. Get a copy of proxmark3_recovery.bin - either by compiling proxmark, using an existing installation of proxmark (as I did from Laptop to Raspberry Pi) or using the precompiled builds (see useful links at bottom)
  6. Put this .bin in proxmark3/recovery/ if needed
  7. Edit the config files and script in proxmark3/tools/jtag_openocd/ to match your JTAG probe / system
  8. Connect the easy to a JTAG programmer of your choice
  9. Run the proxmark3/tools/jtag_openocd/ script
  10. Wait for script to finish
  11. Enjoy your unbricked PM3 easy!

If you somehow manage to brick your easy again, continue from step 8 assuming everything else is still installed (live USB users will need to start from step 3).

Here’s a table listing the JTAG probes and whether they do / should work:

JTAG probe Works? Notes
Raspberry Pi 2/3 yes Tested on Pi 3B
Raspberry Pi 4 not currently JTAG opens with errors - different CPU
Raspberry Pi 1/0 probably similar CPU, Pi 1 has different pinout
Segger J-Link probably Not tested, often recommended / has proxmark guide
BusPirate NO Tested using BPv3.6 with v6.1 and v7 FW
FTDI c232hm maybe Not tested
Wiggler maybe Not tested - discontinued?
ARM USB ocd maybe Not tested
Shikra maybe Not tested
JTAG key maybe Not tested
BusBlaster maybe not By same people as BusPirate - risky
Other probes maybe Needs custom config, at your own risk

Now for some more detailed instructions (somewhat RPi focused) and additional links:

1. Separate main PCB from upper two PCBs

Pretty self explanatory, I used a 1.5mm hex bit. Here are some pictures, sorry about the quality:

2. Shorting pin 54 and 55

Main things to know are that the MCU is the smaller of the two big black chips (towards the left side of the PCB when the main USB port is at the top), and that pin 49 is the top pin on the right side of the IC (i.e. one down towards bottom is 50, then 51 etc.)

Here’s a bad / blurry pic of me shorting pin 54 and 55 with a multimeter probe - a normal male jumper cable would work too:

Here is a third party photo showing pin 55 and 3.3V - this is an alternative to shorting 54 and 55, but I’d try shorting 54 / 55 first because its easier / probably less risky. Just use the photo as an additional resource showing pin 55 location:

Power the PM3 for at least a second while maintaining the short, then remove power / short. The 4 LEDs should all be dimmly on now, if they were not already.

If you want to know what this does / why it is necessary see here - long story short chinese manufacturers set a security bit to prevent users reading their firmware, this resets it / wipes the easy so we can write our firmware back onto it.

3. Software install (Debian based - e.g. RPi OS, Debian, Ubuntu)

I installed openOCD from apt repositories rather than compiling / building from source - some guides say to build it to get all newest features, but I did just fine with the older apt version (we are programming a device using a relatively old hardware design after all).

The command I used to install openocd was:

sudo apt install openocd

Answer yes to continue install if needed.

4-6: Get required files

If you already have a compiled Linux installation of PM3 on the machine connected to the JTAG probe, you can skip these steps. If you have one on another system (e.g. if using a Raspberry Pi) copy it across to the Pi and move onto the next section. Otherwise, read on:

To download, the iceman PM3 repo, I recommend using git, which should be pre-installed on most Linux OSs:

git clone

Then you need to download a precompiled copy of iceman PM3 (here - pick rrg other 64 bit) or compile the repo (follow instructions here)

If using the precompiled .bin, copy rrg_other-xx-.../firmware_win/JTAG Only/proxmark3_recovery.bin to proxmark3/recovery/proxmark3_recovery.bin

7-8: JTAG config and connection - Raspberry Pi 2/3

All file references in this section will be in relation to proxmark3/tools/jtag_openocd/. In general, configuring the software is pretty easy for the raspberry pi.

Copy openocd_configuration.sample to openocd_configuration, and change the line starting with “CONFIG_IF=” to “CONFIG_IF=interface-raspberrypi2.cfg”.

To connect the Pi to the easy, follow the pinout in interface-raspberrypi2.cfgusing female to male cables - you might find useful. RPi pin numbers are on the left, PM3 JTAG header connections on the right. I also powered the easy from the Pi’s 3.3V pin, this doesn’t always work, but its worth trying.

Here’s a good pic of an easy with clear pin markings in case yours was partially cut off like mine:

7-8: JTAG config and connection - general instructions

All file references in this section will be in relation to proxmark3/tools/jtag_openocd/.

For non Raspberry Pi probes here is a general outline as to what you need to do:

  1. Copy openocd_configuration.sample to openocd_configuration, and change the line starting with “CONFIG_IF=” based on your interface’s cfg file.
  2. Edit your interfacts cfg file if needed to point to the correct device etc.
  3. Connect your probe to the easy - each pin to another of the same type - consult your probe manual if you need to work out which pin is which - it is likely that you will need to use female to male jumper cables

Here is a nice pic of the PM3 easy headers:

9-11: Run script and unbrick

Here comes the moment of truth: run proxmark3/tools/jtag_openocd/ while holding the jumper cables firmly in place and wait for it to flash the pm3 easy - depending on your probe / settings this could take a while or just a few seconds. When its finished it should show that erasure and flashing was successful.

If so: :partying_face: - your PM3 is back alive! Reassemble your easy, and try not to brick it again :joy: (I’d recommend using pm3_flash_fullimage instead of pm3_flash_all to reduce chance of the bootloader being corrupted)


If you get an error when installing software, I can’t give much advice other than Google it or post the error here for people to have a look. However, if its a permissions issue, make sure you’re running commands as sudo.

If you get an error when flashing using JTAG, first check your config files, making sure the correct interface is in openocd_configuration and that the recovery.bin is in the correct location. If everything looks good check your JTAG connections and make sure the proxmark3 is being powered sufficiently - you may have to try USB power instead of using the 3.3V pin.

For all other errors, try Google and post them here / DM me / ping me in the Discord server.

Additionally, here are some useful links I found while researching how to do this - note that many of them are outdated… so be careful.

Useful links

Precompiled rrg (iceman) pm3 software -

General Proxmark JTAG notes / links - proxmark3/doc/ at master · RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3 · GitHub

JLink debricking guide (shows how to unbrick on windows with J-link hardware) - De Bricking Segger · Proxmark/proxmark3 Wiki · GitHub

Some notes on JTAG / scripts and more links (some are listed here) - proxmark3/doc/ at master · RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3 · GitHub

Old RPi proxmark unbricking - Luca Soldi is under construction

Upgrading easy / flashing from factory using proxmark - YobiWiki

Nice diagrams / pinouts, but uses BusPirate which does not work (for me at least) -


Good shit Don, the only thing I would say is there an easier place to pick up pin 55? A cap or something I bet people will short thing out

Unfortunately not afaik, which is why I recommend shorting pins 54 & 55 vs connecting pin 55 to 3.3V - much easier to purposefully short two pins, than try not to feed vcore (pin 54 - 1.65-1.9V) with 3.3V

I may have a bit more of a look at the PCB / schematic anyway though - can’t hurt, and who knows, maybe we’ll be lucky!


A few quick updates:

It turns out that the new Raspberry Pi 4 is quite different to previous ones, and there is very little / no info on JTAG using the Pi 4 out there. Despite my best efforts with @StrwbrrySam we were unable to make a Pi 4 work to unbrick a PM3 easy (ended up using my Pi 3B again)

In regards to pin 55, according to the schematic from 5 years ago, it’s left unconnected - I doubt chinese manufacturers would make their lives harder than necessary.

I also have a FTDI FT2232HL breakout on the way from China, and will test it for flashing ability when it arrives - it is a lot cheaper than a Pi, and the less powerful version (FT232H) is available from Adafruit / distributors if you need it quickly. I will update this thread / the main post (hopefully) when it arrives.


All of your instructions are excellent and I was able to unbrick and install iceman on my PM3 easy. However under “Get required files”

The precompiled firmware versions have been removed from the google drive folder you linked. I did end up compiling my own which I found out can require copying Makefile.platform.sample to Makefile.platform and changing the PLATFORM= variable from PM#RVD4 to PM3GENERIC.


Wow, thanks, didn’t realize that they changed it to PM3GENERIC from PM3OTHER. Updated my Makefile.platform.


DITTO… updated the Getting started with the proxmark3 easy - DT Info - Dangerous Things Forum post. Thanks!


Thanks for the heads up everyone, unfortunately I cannot edit that :cry:

@Pilgrimsmaster could you please change the link to the precompiles in my post to point to:

Also a heads up to anyone who reads this thread in the future - I can confirm that the FTDI FT2232HL probe works, though it requires a small modification to one of the interface config files. Hopefully I’ll have that new section / any other modifications written up tonight / tomorrow to get edited in (sorry / thanks in advance Pilgrim :joy::hugs::pray:)


Dear Don, I did it as you directed, its done.

Damn I’m a dork

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Hey, can you post an invite to your discord server, if any questions arise?

Hey, when I try to do the recovery i get this:
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0-rc2
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
OpenOCD: Bug Reporting
srst_only separate srst_gates_jtag srst_push_pull connect_deassert_srst

Info : auto-selecting first available session transport “jtag”. To override use ‘transport select ’.
Warn : Transport “jtag” was already selected
DEPRECATED! use ‘adapter speed’ not ‘adapter_khz’
adapter speed: 1000 kHz

Info : BCM2835 GPIO JTAG/SWD bitbang driver
Info : clock speed 1001 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: sam7x.cpu tap/device found: 0x3f0f0f0f (mfg: 0x787 (), part: 0xf0f0, ver: 0x3)
Info : Embedded ICE version 1
Info : sam7x.cpu: hardware has 2 breakpoint/watchpoint units
Info : starting gdb server for sam7x.cpu on 3333
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
target halted in Thumb state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor
cpsr: 0x200000f3 pc: 0x001269ee
Warn : Flash driver of sam7x.flash.0 does not support free_driver_priv()
Warn : Flash driver of sam7x.flash.1 does not support free_driver_priv()
Can you help?.. :confused: