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I’m with you on that one. If an option that worked in Canada popped up, I wouldn’t really care if it lasted 3 months and then had to come out at some point. I’ll be happy as a pig in shit while it does work!


Whoa… I think your mixing me up or misunderstood me on this one lol, I honestly am not even sure I want a magnet, and I’ve never actually wanted a tritium implant, I merely showed a picture of a obnoxiously large tritium capsule I work with… and jokingly suggested it
I expected more of a dramatic reaction frankly…
probably because it’s not as crazy as some of the other stuff people are doing… that was my first mistake

I’d probably be happy with 5-10 years… 3 years is a bit short tho to cut cut back open again to replace it

I’d settle for 3 years if it could be an x series

I mean, they tend to stop a lot of things lol

I see what you did there :slight_smile:

Sorry, I didn’t mean you specifically. I meant the collective you.

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youse guys

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I’m definitely one of those “yous”, I must admit… I usually see everything I get done to my body as permanent, or at least I want it to be. I started with piercings, and I never understood the people who said “yeah, doesn’t matter, you can take them out if you don’t like them any more” - this never even crossed my mind. I finally had to take some out (and some others took themselves out, in a way…), but I’d never plan that.
With implants, it’s the same for me - I get it in, and I want it to stay there. Preferably forever.

Honestly, I have no idea why it is that way - it’s not that the procedure is scaring me, so I wouldn’t repeat it, or something like that… it’s just… once it’s in, it’s a part of me :wink:

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That’s because you and a small minority like you don’t mind cutting yourselves open repeatedly to achieve what you want. That’s great - for you. For us mere mortals with no masochistic tendencies and a deep-rooted sense of bodily self-preservation, that ain’t flying.

Your approach is fine as long as biohacking is bleeding edge. But for it to become mainstream-ish (I say -ish because even cutting oneself open only once isn’t a choice most rational people do), it’ll have to move away from Chuck Yeager to ordinary airline passenger.

That said, clearly it’s people like you who pave the way. But… not for me just yet either :slight_smile:

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That’s fine. You can stay back there if you want. I’m not going to let anything hold me back, though. I think that many of the Gen Zers and whatever comes afterwards won’t have your same inhibitions, either.

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2 times. 3 years apart, until there is a permanent option. It’s not that bad.

To each his own.

Me, I hate breaching my skin for no good reason. I’ll do it if I absolutely have to, but not if I don’t. I’ve
spent enough quality time in hospitals in my life to avoid anything that reminds me of it.

When I decide to implant something, I consciously make the decision for myself, and I (reluctantly) go through with it because I go in without a functionality, and I come out with a new functionality. Worth it.

When some cretinous financial institution decides my implant isn’t valid anymore, I go in with a working functionality, and I come out with exactly the same functionality, a new scar and a bad memory for no reason other than some guys said so. No thanks.

At least not for me. Those who don’t mind, more power to them. I envy them a bit actually :slight_smile:

Like I said, I definitely don’t mind having myself cut open from time to time (and definitely more often than once in three years…), but I just want things inside me to last. I want it to become a working part of me, and I just don’t want to replace stuff every few years.

Well yeah, but you don’t develop an attachment to a particular chip do you? If you don’t mind getting scalpeled around - and I think it’s pretty clear you don’t :slight_smile: - then what do you lose when you change the chip that needs (doesn’t need really…) changing? Nothing: you keep the functionality you had and you get a scar, which you actually enjoy.

You of all people should really like the expiry date :slight_smile:

I do! :stuck_out_tongue:
Nah, I don’t know… problem is, you can do this 2, maybe 3 times at the same spot, and afterwards you’ll start getting some problems with the skin there… additionally, you know how “good” my incisions heal, and how much my body likes sutures and stuff. So, while I definitely enjoy the procedure, the healing process itself is a bit annoying sometimes. Nothing I’d complain about, but if I unnecessarily have to repeat this again and again, it might start getting on my nerves :smile:

So, pretty much exactly the same as me then: you’d rather not open up your body anymore than strictly necessary. Even you have the same reaction as lilly-livered ole me.

Depends on what you see as “strictly necessary” :smile:
But yeah, maybe you’re right… at least for implants, I like to get them, I like to have them, but I do not like to exchange them on a regular base. That’s why I ultimately decided against the northstar… I’d love to have it, but knowing it might last anything between some months and some years - mh. I wanted to integrate it into my scarification, but I don’t want to destroy the design by cutting it open several times.

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There’s another company coming out with a tokenized fob. The ov Valet https://fccid.io/2AVSI-OVTPD01. I keep getting popups on facebook for it.

It’s almost like Facebook knows what your interests are and maybe your search history…But how could that be? :smirk:

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Tbh it is to hard to use the internet without letting my data be sold and traded like a product XD Imma let them have it (for now)

No never the internet wouldn’t track me like that… Facebook is all about protecting my data.