Question about future products


I’m planing on buying the “Magneto bundle” and I was wondering if theres any “newer” chips that replace those in bundle coming soon?

also a question to those with implants…
If I put a chip in “L0” will i be able to read the chip if the reader is facing the palm of my hand?

thank you :>

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  • NExT - NOPE
  • Spark 2 – The equivalent will be the ApexMax - but we don’t have a time frame on its release
  • xG3 – NOPE

I would say, if you are going to wait for what is “just around the corner”, you would never buy anything.
Magneto is a great bundle, and at that price, you are basically getting the Spark 2 for free.

The Apex line when it is released, may not be included in the bundles any way.
So in my opinion, if the magneto has caught your eye, Grab it.

Due to the size of the implants ( xSeries ) that you would put in the L0 position, the issue is the coupling range, a very small chip and cylindrical antenna have a reduced range compared to a “flat antenna” ( fob or card etc ), however, the L0 position is easy to present to a reader, Just try it next time you are by one.
I have one each of my “0” positions, and no issues, you will learn how to approach the readers to get good coupling and reads.


the read range on most standard industry readers isnt great, i have one in my L0 and to get it to read i make a fist and push my thumb against the reader


Spark 2 – The equivalent will be the ApexMax - but we don’t have a time frame on its release

what new features will it brign to the table that will “over shadow” the Spark 2?
I understand that theres a website that the chip will gain me accses to…
if i choose to buy the “ApexMax” and choose to keep the Spark 2 can i have them both linked to one page?

I’m not really looking at the flat products just because the way they “install” and look…
I’d like to keep everything as low key as posible and keep maximum functionality

the read range on most standard industry readers isnt great, i have one in my L0 and to get it to read i make a fist and push my thumb against the reader

So… no reading from palm?


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That sucks but thank you

There are a couple of different form factors for the Flat FLEX.
The smaller ones are approx 8mm x 38mm

Actually not TOO disimilar from an xSeries


Yeah, so, from when I joined this site, I said the same thing.

Just get what you want now, no offense to Amal, but don’t wait for thr Apex


Shame theres no FLEX NeXT…

but yeah guess i will just bite the bullet and hope a new chip doesnt drop the day after I pay…


Well there is, but it is a FlexDisc not a FlexWedge format

With this Flex NExT you very well May be able to

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Ive seen few installed and it doesnt apeal to me…

Another question I have is how hard is it to “brick” or lock the chip out of use?
I love to play around with the stickers I have and while not really thinking about bricking stickers I’m scared of doing it to the implants

Hmm, That depends on what you are trying to do and how you are doing it and with what.
For example if you are just writing NDEF to the HF side with NXP TagWriter, you should have no issues, however if you are using NFC Shell commands with an ACR122, you could easily brick it. :brick:

The T5577 chip on the LF side has password protection functions to block reconfiguration by accident or malicious attack. however the T5577 does not support “tear protection”

Here is a great write up you will find in the faq section

Whatever you are going to do to your implants, it is a good idea to practice on your stickers or test cards first,

DT normally have NTAG216 HF stickers ( same chip as NExT ) , but they are currently out of stock, (Probably being used up for the FlexNExTs

You can get a really good test card pack from KSEC which covers all the implant options from the DT store