No, you’ll be able to pull off what ever you stick to your hand.
You’ll be able to feel a pull from the implant, if you introduce an electromagnetic field, you feel a pulsing sensation from the implant. It’s quite fun to find stuff like laptop chargers, microwaves, I’ve heard deep friers are pretty good too. I was surprised walking into my school’s library one day, my hand started vibrating and I realized it was the security gates.
I’ve seen no issue with that in my use. I haven’t rubbed cards up against the magnet, and my magnets are on the back of my hand and the edge of my hand so they don’t come close to the mag strip when I’m paying for anything.
Regular implants won’t bar you from anything. Magnets like Stargazer said are safe up to a limit for MRIs. I was told I needed an MRI, but I was able to do a CT scan with contrast die instead.
There’s no issues with airport security.
I don’t use all of mine daily, but I’m glad I have all of them! I’ve been able to copy apartment key cards to unlock doors with my hand, I’ve got my contact info on one of them. I used one for vaccination cards when I was on a trip. People have also used them to unlock and or start their cars or motorcycles, work badges, etc.
The blinky ones are neat. I’ve got a green xSIID that has my contact info and it makes it fun giving people my number.
The traditional first time use is putting this link on the chip:
Also, if you’re thinking about getting a magnet, check out Az’s Loadstone and Cyborg Dashboard app. He’s also got a book all about magnets!