Ive read on other threads that a key fob for a car isn’t a simple clone (not that I think any of its simple) because the range of the key fob is much farther and you couldn’t fit that into an implant. But what if we hooked the key fob to another controller that gave the key fob power and then attach that to a pad that can read the chips and its whole goal was to give the key fob power so you can then start your vehicle? Just spit balling here, I’ve got no idea how any of this works well in a sense I don’t think I could build or program anything by myself but I’m sure there are a lot of people in here that can take this and run with it or help me learn to do stuff like that. Let me know what Y’all think.
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If I’m understanding you right, it’s already been done
@turbo2ltr has a great write-up here:
that’s so bad ass exactly what I was thinking too, way better written though haha
RFID unlock with Car Keyfob
I also did it
That is so dope! Im doing some through research into this figuring out all ill need to set this up and what not, but once I get started I might (most definitely actually) reach out to you for help. Thank you for your knowledge!
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