Representation of Implants in Media

I have been thinking about this recently, and wanted to ask your thoughts on the matter. Most of the time when implants/chips are represented in TV and movies, they show them as about the right size/dimensions but are entirely unrealistic about their capabilities. Usually they are represented as tracking people (read: Many Mission Impossible Movies, Maybe James Bond, The Kingsmen, Escape Plan) which is entirely impossible given the actual size and design constraints of the device.

The only piece of media that has shown a close to realistic example of implant technology is the TV series version of the Bong Joon Ho movie Snowpiercer. (Also sorry if I butchered his name). In the series, members of the upper classes use the implants very similar to real world use. They are installed in the same location between the thumb and forefinger and is shown to require close/touch to the reader to open doors. A couple episodes show they may be capped in bio bond like substances. I might try to find an image later.

Anyway, I am asking you band of eccentric amazing humans what are your favorite, most realistic, most ridiculous or random examples or uses of implant technology in TV and Movies.

I feel like there was actually a substantial arc of NCIS dealing with subdermal chips, they looked right. But we’re in the forearm, and I believed we not access credentials but rather data storage of some too secret program stuff

Don’t remember all the details, but I wasn’t all that mad at the presentation

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I loved the “stacks” in Altered Carbon - I liked the concept (basically storing your personality on them, being able to use different bodies with a stack), and they looked totally different than real, existing implants. I actually think of getting a tattoo in my neck with a similar design…


(avoiding spoilers to the best of my ability)

In terms of the overall shape (size is obv off), I was impressed with how close the implants in The Boys looked to x Series implants/pet implants, but was sad to see that they went the classic tracking route with them. At least they wrote in that there were limits (couldn’t track in subway tunnels and other areas like that). I was able to justify it that the technology in The Boys is considerably better than what we have, but I still fear that it confirmed what a lot of people already thought. Those who have done 0 research on implants think they can track you, and the show did nothing to dispel that.


Great TV series though.

I’m sure there are some people think it is a documentary about superheroes and believe everything they see as fact.
Most won’t believe in superheroes but will believe in unpowered micro GPS trackers implanted into unsuspecting citizens.

Hard to get world wide stats on this one but,
to take america as an example (the top search result)
Survey conducted by Yougov

(I appreciated the correct use of “fewer” rather than “less”)

Approximately 85% of the worlds population believes in some form or another of an all-powerful invisible being or beings.

I guess what I am trying to say:
It’s not surprising what people choose to believe…


Yep, absolutely fantastic series. The implant stuff didn’t bother me really, but it was worthy to note.

I put off watching it for so long, and binged it a few weeks ago. Really great time, glad I waited until season 2 was out.

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The Belko Experiment
Also a nice movie with implants

The german movie
Fack ju Göhte 3
They use Pet Ships fir tracking (GPS) the kids

Whenever anyone mentions trying to put batteries in implants, I always think of the end result of the implants from the Belko Experiment haha

Such a mind-blowing idea :wink:

Mission Impossible 3 they implant a tiny explosive charge in Keri Russel’s head. It explodes and she dies but you can see they thought about the size at least and didn’t make her whole head explode.


In the movie they were going to try to disable it with a defibrillator. Has anyone ever tried a defibrillator on an x series? Could implant a piece of chicken and shock it. I would expect the glass to be enough of an insulator to do nothing.

Yeah, it shouldn’t do anything whatsoever. Glass is an excellent insulator.

Plus I would expect that the skin effect (literally in this case) might apply to a small extent. Alternating current tends to travel primarily in the outer portions (aka “skin”) of a given conductor, with the current decreasing exponentially the deeper you go/closer to the center. Not sure if this applies to actual flesh, though. Couldn’t find much in my quick google search.

Most of the current from an average shock wouldn’t make it very deep.

Plus, I think the implant wouldn’t actually “see” a difference regardless, even if it were conductive. I might have a misunderstanding here, but the implant is at the same voltage potential as your flesh. If your body’s voltage raised, so would the implant’s. However, since the implant doesn’t have a path to a lower potential, it wouldn’t matter. Same as a bird on a power line. No path to a lower potential, no current moves through.

I would expect the biggest risk to an implant from a really bad shock would be the heat generated from the shock, rather than the shock itself.


This is a total understatement. Also, 80% of Americans believe that angels exist and 90% are convinced that zombies are a real thing. Besides all this, almost everyone in America knows that Jesus will come back soon and he is white, has long brown hair, blue eyes and speaks English.

sweet Jeezus


My favorite is Orphan Black, Season 04 Episode 01, fingertip magnet implants at 16 minutes

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it has more to do with the fact you are a big bag of salty water than anything… so yeah glass + you are an excellent conductor = naa

I’ve heard of Orphan Black. Good show?

Yes, I enjoyed it, but haven’t watched season 5 yet

Sorry for the thread Necro, but this just reminded me of an article that no longer appears to be online…

BY BOB HARRIS – an excerpt from his posts at

Only 22 percent think Saddam used WMDs?

By now you’ve seen the recent poll which finds that a third of Americans mistakenly believe that WMDs were found in Iraq, and about 22 percent think Iraq actually used WMDs during the war.

Sounds bad, right? But let’s put these figures in perspective, courtesy a quick visit over to , where I pulled out a few numbers, all from recent major polls, just for fun:

Of American adults, at least 18 years of age…

  • 65% couldn’t describe the basic facts about Watergate
  • 56% think media should never question the government in wartime
  • 48% say the news media acted responsibly during the Clinton Wars
  • 45% characterized Watergate was “just politics”
  • 43% attended religious services in the previous 7 days
  • 40% believe the media was biased in favor of Bill Clinton
  • 35% say the government should not fund stem cell research
  • 34% think Rock and Roll has been bad for America
  • 33% believe a wife should “submit herself graciously” to a husband
  • 30% say the Bible is the “actual word of God” to be taken literally
  • 29% think people will be “more likely” to afford college in 2020
  • 28% disapprove of labor unions on principle
  • 28% say the government should have the right to control news reports
  • 27% believe divorce is “morally wrong”
  • 26% thought various natural disasters “foreshadow the wrath of God”
  • 26% think grade-school teachers should be allowed to spank their kids
  • 24% describe themselves as interested in what celebrities think
  • 21% admitted to a pollster that they had cheated in a relationship
  • 21% say justice was served in the O.J. Simpson case
  • 20% approve of the how the Catholic Church handles pedophilia
  • 20% believe that the killing of civilians in Vietnam was “relatively rare”
  • 15% were upset at Diana Spencer’s death like “someone you knew”
  • 12% think the United States should have a British-style royal family
  • 11% stockpiled food and water in advance of Y2K
  • 11% think “Titanic” was the best American movie of the 20th century
  • 10% would eat a rat or an insect on a “reality” TV show
  • 10% think it’s advantageous to be a woman in American society
  • 10% believe Oswald acted alone
  • 10% say they are “very likely” to become rich someday
  • 8% could not name a single TV network
  • 8% fear they are “very likely” to be shot or badly hurt by a stranger
  • 7% think Elvis is possibly still alive
  • 6% say Garth Brooks is the best male singer of the 20th century
  • 5% are ?very afraid? of thunder and lightning
  • 5% would be “more likely” to buy food labeled as genetically modified
  • 3% wanted to see the questions on “Millionaire” become less difficult

So… what to make of all this?

  1. A measurable percentage of Americans will say pretty much any damn thing you can imagine.

  2. Looking at the other opinions floating around 20 percent, I’d say that the extent of lunatic public perception of WMDs is, if anything, surprisingly low , given the constant drumbeat of bullshit coming out of the White House and megaphoned by the press for much of the past year.

  3. About the same number of people who think it’s an advantage to be a woman in America would eat a rat on live TV. Clearly, we’ve got some work to do on the whole gender-equality thing.

  4. Speaking of social progress, there sure seems to be a remarkably consistent hardcore of about 25-30 percent who seem to be living sometime in the late 19th century at best. Beatings as a form of education? Wives submitting graciously? Vengeful gods screwing with the weather?

Gallup really ought to quiz these people in a little more detail; after all, there’s a lot we still don’t know the Spanish menace in Cuba, how to handle an acute case of quinsy, and this Tennessee schoolteacher concocting folderol about our forefathers descending from monkeys.

So one-third of Americans mistakenly think we found WMDs? Great. We can work with that. After looking at these numbers, I’m just relieved 30 percent don’t think Saddam’s disembodied wraith is looming in a vengeful stormfront, ready to deflower the womenfolk, lead our children into Satan’s bosom, and force the men to read science books.

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As always, my problem with these poll stats are;

  • sample size; just how much extrapolation is being done to represent “Americans”… I asked one guy on the street if his shit stank and he said no, ergo 100% of Americans think their shit don’t stink.

  • demographics of sample; do they truly represent a broad cross-section of the American public or a narrow subsection, possibly chosen for a specific demographic trait?

  • motivation; Are these lonely people, desperate to talk to someone, picking up land lines and answering random quizzes because it’s someone to talk to? Are they someone who really needs that $20 and is being paid to take polls and quizzes and just randomly clicking through answers as quickly as possible to get to the next poll? Are they being approached at random in shopping malls (antiquated I know, but still) and deciding they have nothing but free time to answer annoying questions for a couple bucks?


Fair enough, this was from over 15 years ago so I have no idea of the actual methodology used in these polls. I am assuming that they are at least somewhat respectable.

I think that the existence of Qanon shows that at least some percentage of people will believe the strangest of things.

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Absolutely… my concern is that qanons were the only subjects to answer these “representative polls” :wink:

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