Safety Advisory - xG3 v1

Hello everyone, this is a safety advisory for the xG3 v1 axially magnetized biomagnet implant. To be clear, this is not a recall, just a conveyance of facts so you can make better informed decisions.

We have had our 3rd report in as many years of a failure of an xG3 v1. This report is confirmed and has the same failure mode as the previous two reports, which is that one of the end caps of the xG3 v1 has been cleanly broken off in vivo, exposing the tip of the magnet inside to the body. Because of this, we are removing the xG3 v1 from the store, and advising anyone who has an xG3 v1 installed and is uncomfortable with this possibility, please have it removed and send it back to us. We will gladly exchange it for an xG3 v2.

At this time, we have had no reports what so ever of any xG3 v2 failures of any kind.


Have all 3 been clean breaks with no fractures or shards breaking loose?
I feel pretty comfortable with my v1 pretty deep in the knife edge where thereā€™s a lot of meat armor around it.
Thank you letting us know!


The End caps breaking in all 3 cases happened inside the body right?

I have a v2 with broken off endcap but it happend outside the body BC another xg3 v1 snapped to it and it broke the v2s end cap.


Curious about how one would notice the endocarp breaking - would it be painful or noticeable necessarily? I have my v1 in in the area between my thumb and index finger.


Would be interested to know the install locations of the failures.


Iā€™m keeping mine, it has been there for years with impacts and everything.


Are these all fingertip installs? I understand installing it there allows for it to get these kinds of impacts quite easily but have there been cases where the implant was in a different position?

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Would also be interested in knowing the install locations (maybe it is in the video, apologies if so, at work). I have 2 V1s, one in each knifes edge. Going on 2 years I think. I assume you would feel it if the end cap broke off, can anyone confirm?

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In the video Amal specifically mentions fingertips but I think the failure could happen from anywhere where the tip of the magnet would be directly hit by another ferrous object without much cushion. Theres a vid somewhere on the forum of 2 xG3v1s slamming into each other and breaking one of the end caps.

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You can palpate the implant and feel for the rounded ends, if you feel any sharper edges, or pain, then it may be broken. It should be a pretty obvious when you palpate it.


yes correct, only in vivo

I believe it ā€œfeels oddā€ā€¦ sort of sore when pokedā€¦ then as the body starts breaking down the magnetic material it gets a little swollen feelingā€¦ nothing too obviousā€¦ but itā€™s enough for the people involved to notice and get it checked out.

@Equipter might have some comment to lend here.


Super professional, and a Boss move to announce and share like this


If nothing else
You made a cool as fuck FIDGET TOY

Pxl 20230814 172821641 - Trim smal2l_1


Not my place to share any details, but combo of bad things impacted this one. But if this has happened before might be a pattern. Thanks for the transparency @amal

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Yeah! So this happened to me!

Iā€™ve just had the xg3v1 removed by Cassox in LV at Defcon (incredible experience seriously)

the missing cap of the implant is still on my finger and I can feel around for it noticing a small bump, this doesnā€™t seem to be impacting me negatively and i think ill just keep the little glass dome inside :sweat_smile:

i do wanna just add that i know this isnā€™t meant to happen by any means but if anyone has been following along with my bullshit escapades through the years you will know i have implants in silly places and this was one of them. i had this xg3v1 installed palm side base knuckle of my right middle finger. it was docile until recently when i got bumped by a car and my hand grazed the ground, after the cap had come off my body did start to react to the inside of the magnet capsule which made it swell up for a few weeks until it was removed.

i am not in the slightest upset with the situation hell i got to get it removed by the cassox. thatā€™s nuts.

@amal ā€˜s response to the situation once again goes to show how above and beyond DT prioritise customersā€™ health, safety and awareness which is absolutely incredible and not something many can say they see other companies doing.

Iā€™ve still got the xg3v1 in a little box and when Iā€™m unpacked from defcon ill take some higher res images RE the clean cut top and the corrosion on the magnet (from the oxygen in my blood, not the magnets fault!)


cc @inkedcellist

I believe it ā€œfeels oddā€ā€¦ sort of sore when pokedā€¦ then as the body starts breaking down the magnetic material it gets a little swollen feelingā€¦ nothing too obviousā€¦ but itā€™s enough for the people involved to notice and get it checked out.

this perfectly sums it up besides one addition of the fact that I could probe with my finger around the implant and feel a little, hard bump (thank god it was the xg3v1, both me and cassox thought it may have been necrotic tissue!)

in terms of breaking, it didnā€™t really break in any gradual sense, the cap just cleanly popped off at some point, no sharp edges (which made the whole situation 100000x better)


Just removed my xG3 v1 and seems to be completely intact.


My v2 is still going strong 2 and a half years later :muscle:t4:


I have one, itā€™s in the blade of my hand so a bit more cushion than a fingertip install. Iā€™ve banged it pretty hard a few times but the implant has proven quite sturdy. Iā€™ll keep mine until and unless something happens to it.



Also, Iā€™ve used the knife edge where my v1 is located as a hammer on steel pipes and plates before. Havenā€™t had an issue, probably due to the amount of fleshy bits around it. Going to keep mine until something happens to it if anything does happen to it.


Well, guess I doged a bullet by getting my titain installed fistā€¦ Thanks for telling us, you are a true lad. :slight_smile: