Show off your Homelab! šŸ§Ŗ

His R&D team is pretty dedicated :melting_face:


Let me rephrase A Full Team dedicated soely to RnD.


Same. I would have custom cabinets and workbenches made to fit the room. Right now Iā€™m relying on some sketchy IKEA hacks


Given a Bruce Wayne type budget, Iā€™dā€¦

A.) Be on Every Single Government Watchlist.
B.) Become a Legend whose Legendary Legend would be told for hundreds of years to come in hushed tones, spoken of only in the glow of a single solitary fire.
C.) Crater. Big Big Crater.
D.) All of the above.

At least thatā€™s my hope.


We already are :rofl:

This can easily be arranged :exploding_head:


Get out of my head, on both counts!



Iā€™ve been looking for two small routers that are supported by openwrt with either a directional antenna or a removable antenna. It can be a 2.4GHz only model.

The TP-Link TL-MR3020 is apparently available at a few local stores but itā€™s EOL and Iā€™d need to do the external antenna mod and replace both memory chips. Another option would be a Nanostation M2 or something along those lines.

If else fails, Iā€™m strapping an old WiFi card to a Raspberry PI 3ā€¦ But I want something a little nicer, and ideally with Mediatek hardware. Iā€™m also a big fan of Atheros but their latest CPUs donā€™t have the best open source support.

I have one of these, they run their own custom version of openwrt but I think you should be able to flash the normal version without issue. Itā€™s pretty cheap at like $40


Oh, they also have this one. Thereā€™s a version with removable external antennas


I have a GL-iNet router already and itā€™s one of the models that is supported by the official openwrt project and I love it.

Iā€™ll look into their cheaper options with removable antennas. These products feel so weird nowadays, back when I was messing with open source router firmwares you could buy one of several TP-Link models and get an Atheros chipset with an awesome radio in a product with detachable antennas.

Now that Qualcomm bought Atheros, the open source side of things has dwindled on their platforms and Mediatek is becoming the standard. So everything different and more confusing now. Also, detachable antennas are becoming rare, which is fine for most users but annoying if you want to set up a point to point link or cover a large outdoor area. Still, high gain antennas require care and you should read the regulations regarding EIRP before using them.

Back in the day, I messed with antenna design and distributed element filters and it helped me survive a dark time.


Qualcomm really is a blight on the open source community. If they were better about main-lining their Linux support it would be a different story, but its one of the reasons why mobile Linux hasnā€™t taken off


And it bothers me that they bought out the company that used to make the best WiFi chipsets on the market. I still have an Alfa AWUS036NHA that I absolutely love even if itā€™s Mini USB. That card is absolutely amazing for anything regarding the 2.4GHz band.

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This looks like a nice router if youā€™re willing to put up with development snapshots of OpenWRT for a while:

I dropped my Mikrotik hAP ac2 and now I have to solder a coil back to the boardā€¦ So I dusted my Edgerouter Lite for the time being.

If thereā€™s something I love about Tik is how they support their devices for ages, and thatā€™s on the latest version of their RouterOS. But this is to be expected as all of their products that are based on the same CPU architecture use the same firmware image.

Guess that now I have a to fix my Tik, or replace it with an AX alternative.



Iā€™m pretty sure that you all know that I have a server rack at homeā€¦

I need the inverse of that book. I need a book to help my parents understand that Iā€™m not weird for having a server in my house.



im well passed that :rofl:

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Nah, I make sure everyone knows that I have a server rack :joy:

