Show off your Magnets! šŸ§² TiTAN + xG3 v1 + v2 Gallery

it felt like its going to rip the magnet out


AWWWWW, I didnā€™t even know that was a thingā€¦
I feel like I am missing out!

Is there a secret handshake?

giphy (10)

Are you in a social bowling league?

Is there a club motto?



its not nearly as cool of a secret handshake as the blinky winky club


Less a handshake and more of a greeting :slight_smile:





As a long standing member, even all hands on deck meetings are sparse. We need to allocate more budget to recruitingā€¦




We dont even have a icon/emogi react thingy :disappointed_relieved:


Forgive me for the dumb question but donā€™t strong magnets reduce the life of the implants considerably or am I mistaken?

Video looks cool though!

No, magnets only temporarily reduce performance as they magnetize the ferrite core used in the antennas of x-series implants. But, as the magnetic bias fades, full performance returns.

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Oh awesome thanks!

Rereading my message I realized that it was worded poorly, what I meant to ask is will exposing an implanted magnet to a much stronger magnet not weaken the implanted one?

Oh I seeā€¦ well there is a difference between practical changes vs absolute changes. Magnets do lose strength for a number of reasons, including extreme heat, physical impacts (literal jostling of atomic alignment), and exposure to opposing fields (N to N or S to S).

However, those losses are imperceptible for an implant because you canā€™t heat it to dangerous levels without burning your tissue, you canā€™t smash it hard enough to cause detectable losses without destroying your surrounding tissue, and you canā€™t expose it to a strong enough opposing field without causing it to flip over to the opposite pole and rip out of your tissue.



Lol thatā€™s awsome! Thank you for taking the time to explain!


Reason for this placement aboveā€¦

Comes in handy when doing things like updating from where on your 3-D printer!


Nice! Canā€™t wait to get mine. Itā€™s next on my list.
Great nails, too! :star_struck:

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i have a custom n55 implanted, where do see stock for a n64??? id definitely buy one to make another magnet implant lmao

I havenā€™t seen it available sadly, just dreaming haha. Theoretically it would be ~12% stronger than N52?

Ah okay i was gonna grab one so quick lmao

Im not sure about strength, my n55 is 5mm x 6mm plus coating which comes out to around 6mm x 7-8mm

It can hold a spoon or fork with no issues, IIRC it has a 1.2lb lift strength but itā€™s definitely lower than that with the skin & coating in the way

Honestly i wish i did 4mm x 10mm but this is still pretty strong, i get stuck to the sink or random metal objects sometimes


Iā€™d be more interested in more strength for sensing honestly. A titan with the same mass and dimensions with more strength would just increase the sensitivity I would think, not sure if sensitivity increase would be 1:1 with the strength increase though.

Iā€™m sure I will start wanting a lifting magnet as soon as my Titan is in though lol. Hopefully tonight :crossed_fingers:


i have a haworth finger magnet for sensing but the n55 & xg3v1 all work for sensing

by far the Haworth is more sensitive though

Iā€™d love a titan but itā€™d have to be at least an N55 for me to even consider buying it, i personally cant justify that price for an n52

edit: for me the sensitivity feels like Ā½ or ā…“ to strength