Show off your Magnets! 🧲 TiTAN + xG3 v1 + v2 Gallery


if your coin is not a neodymium magnet that looks like a coin the range where you are still able to feel it will be aprox. 1mm

However if you get a coin that is also a strong permanent magnet you can feel it over several cm.

Probably still not enough for what you intended to do with it


Thank you very much. I still like this has helped and it wouldn’t be too hard to get a buddy to make me a good magnetic coin gimmick and I could get away with getting quite close to a spectators hands. About the placement of the implant though, I always wanted to go for the finger since I heard you get better sensing for feilds and some people even claiming that they can sense true north. If the sensing aspect isn’t that much then I might opt for an xG3 at the edge of my 5th metacarpal.

No one is sensing magnetic north with their magnet implants sadly not a real thing

Thanks for putting that to rest. In your opinion what would you say I should go for.

Can’t show it off, but had a fun experience at work. We have trucks with welders in them, and the leads are coiled up on hooks at the back of the truck. My coworker ran out a few feet of leads and started welding. I leaned against the truck next to the leads and felt like I got shocked! Started to inspect the leads for cuts and stuff, and as I reached my hand towards them, my xG3v1 started vibrating intensely. Then reached with my other hand with the v2 and it was just as intense!
If anyone has access to a welder, try coiling up your welding leads and have someone spark it up!


XG3v2 coming in handy at work :smiley:
My coworkers just shake their head like I’m stupid, but I think they’re just jealous :joy:


I wanted this with my forearm implanted v2

Just doesn’t have the juice… I think it keeps getting too deep in my arm… either an arm fascia/body fat thing…

Or installing it shallow is much harder

So it’s not just me, I was wondering why the biggest thing I could consistently hold there (left forearm xg3 v2) was a bottle cap.

I was able to get it very shallow in my hand. The v1 in knife edge is pretty deep though, only got a bottle cap to stick to it, but the sensing is pretty good with stronger fields

The temptation to get not one but two magnets is getting stronger… Help!

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You’re welcome



Come on, do you really believe that I’m willing to risk a rejection with a magnet that’s not from his Amalness?

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:speaking_head: Calling all magnetos

There are many cyborgs :robot: with magnetic powers :magnet: in our community, so this is for all of you.
But specifically, when I saw this, I immediately thought of our prolific magnet tinkerer @mrln

The Bolt has a hidden battery in the head, The Nut unscrews itself when a magnet is placed near the Bolt head.
I am assuming it is polarity dependent, so maybe it can be screw itself up also :shrug
Watch the video, specifically in action at the 3 minute mark

And a purchase link here

  • disclaimer,
    I don’t have any bio-magnets
    I also don’t have this Magic prop

BUT theoretically, this looks like it could work

Over to you guys.

Do with this as you will

giphy (24)


i have several of these bolts :wink: @Pilgrimsmaster

they work flawless with all DT magnets

here is a low quality video


Just realized I totally overlooked this thread, or at least I forgot to post here :smile:
So this is my little Titan baby, about 1.5 months old in this video, lifting its first little things :wink:


Unrelated to the magnet, but what’s that great fingertip metal thingy ? It looks awesome !

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I’ll never forgive the US for having non-magnetic coins

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how else are we supposed to tell the cheap shit coins from US currency in vending machines in 1950? magnets work great for this.

though we did make a steel penny during the war.


Just a piece of jewelry - those “claws” are quite common in the goth scene, though this one is a bit special. Most are a lot less ornamental. Bought it at the Wave Gotik Treffen in Germany about… dunno, 20 years ago :smile: Guess the brand (that I forgot anyways^^) doesn’t exist any more, like so many wonderful subculture brands… sigh… I’m getting old :wink:


Thate awesome. Congrats! Im jealous- im gonna need to get a Titan sometime.

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