Show off your Magnets! 🧲 TiTAN + xG3 v1 + v2 Gallery

xG3 v2

(It doesn’t touch the floor)
I realy think i can carry more, i try later !


I saw this video, it might be and experiment worth playing with for some of you magnetically enhanced persons


Easiest way to change the sounds from the radio advertisment from the radio at the bar was to make a TikTok lol


A post was merged into an existing topic: The anti​:no_entry_sign:-derailment​:railway_car: & thread​:thread: hijacking​:gun: thread​:thread: :interrobang:

I am a mentalist magician and a common trick performed is observing someone’s body language to tell which hand a coin is placed in. I was wondering about the strength of the titan since I want to do this blindfolded and rely on the titan to detect where the coin is. How close to the person’s hands would I have to be? Is it possible to do it without even touching their hands?

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Yessss! about time, I really feel the magician market is untapped with regard to the DT Biomagnets.

I don’t have any magnets myself, so I cant be of much help BUT have you tested with just a standard small neodymium magnet / Bucky ball etc. to get an idea of what to expect ALSO It will depend a lot on the coins you are using and their magnetic attraction.

Are you currently using any magnets?

Who provides the coin, you or your “victim”?

I summon the Mighty Marvelous Magnetic @Mrln and his Many Magnets, He can probably answer you and he’s always up for an experiment.



if your coin is not a neodymium magnet that looks like a coin the range where you are still able to feel it will be aprox. 1mm

However if you get a coin that is also a strong permanent magnet you can feel it over several cm.

Probably still not enough for what you intended to do with it


Thank you very much. I still like this has helped and it wouldn’t be too hard to get a buddy to make me a good magnetic coin gimmick and I could get away with getting quite close to a spectators hands. About the placement of the implant though, I always wanted to go for the finger since I heard you get better sensing for feilds and some people even claiming that they can sense true north. If the sensing aspect isn’t that much then I might opt for an xG3 at the edge of my 5th metacarpal.

No one is sensing magnetic north with their magnet implants sadly not a real thing

Thanks for putting that to rest. In your opinion what would you say I should go for.

Can’t show it off, but had a fun experience at work. We have trucks with welders in them, and the leads are coiled up on hooks at the back of the truck. My coworker ran out a few feet of leads and started welding. I leaned against the truck next to the leads and felt like I got shocked! Started to inspect the leads for cuts and stuff, and as I reached my hand towards them, my xG3v1 started vibrating intensely. Then reached with my other hand with the v2 and it was just as intense!
If anyone has access to a welder, try coiling up your welding leads and have someone spark it up!


XG3v2 coming in handy at work :smiley:
My coworkers just shake their head like I’m stupid, but I think they’re just jealous :joy:


I wanted this with my forearm implanted v2

Just doesn’t have the juice… I think it keeps getting too deep in my arm… either an arm fascia/body fat thing…

Or installing it shallow is much harder

So it’s not just me, I was wondering why the biggest thing I could consistently hold there (left forearm xg3 v2) was a bottle cap.

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I was able to get it very shallow in my hand. The v1 in knife edge is pretty deep though, only got a bottle cap to stick to it, but the sensing is pretty good with stronger fields

The temptation to get not one but two magnets is getting stronger… Help!

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You’re welcome



Come on, do you really believe that I’m willing to risk a rejection with a magnet that’s not from his Amalness?


:speaking_head: Calling all magnetos

There are many cyborgs :robot: with magnetic powers :magnet: in our community, so this is for all of you.
But specifically, when I saw this, I immediately thought of our prolific magnet tinkerer @mrln

The Bolt has a hidden battery in the head, The Nut unscrews itself when a magnet is placed near the Bolt head.
I am assuming it is polarity dependent, so maybe it can be screw itself up also :shrug
Watch the video, specifically in action at the 3 minute mark

And a purchase link here

  • disclaimer,
    I don’t have any bio-magnets
    I also don’t have this Magic prop

BUT theoretically, this looks like it could work

Over to you guys.

Do with this as you will

giphy (24)


i have several of these bolts :wink: @Pilgrimsmaster

they work flawless with all DT magnets

here is a low quality video