Just realized I totally overlooked this thread, or at least I forgot to post here
So this is my little Titan baby, about 1.5 months old in this video, lifting its first little things
Unrelated to the magnet, but what’s that great fingertip metal thingy ? It looks awesome !
I’ll never forgive the US for having non-magnetic coins
how else are we supposed to tell the cheap shit coins from US currency in vending machines in 1950? magnets work great for this.
though we did make a steel penny during the war.
Just a piece of jewelry - those “claws” are quite common in the goth scene, though this one is a bit special. Most are a lot less ornamental. Bought it at the Wave Gotik Treffen in Germany about… dunno, 20 years ago Guess the brand (that I forgot anyways^^) doesn’t exist any more, like so many wonderful subculture brands… sigh… I’m getting old
Thate awesome. Congrats! Im jealous- im gonna need to get a Titan sometime.
My v2 reacts the most to my microwave. I have 3 v1s and a titan as well but this fell is my favourite
I want a titan but recently got a job doing cnc work, alot of metal. Not sure how that’s going to play out my finger will probably look like a magnet that was dragged through road dirt.
I’ve actually done some metalworking recently and so far the only issue was metal dust from the grinder and that stuff wipes off nice and easy.
Glue or tape a small magnet to your finger for a day or two. It should give a good idea of what to expect on that front.
However, I don’t expect such a magnet to feel the same or be as sensitive as an implant.
My last job had a lot of welding/grinding work and I got some shavings that would accumulate around the magnet, but it was easy to wipe off.
i want… what do i google
I added the link in my post
xG3 v2 showing up nicely under the skin!
I’ve got nothing that big that’s light enough for me to pick up
You won this battle, but I’m gonna keep my eye out!