I’ve done some measurements on a white tritium implant (neither xGLO nor Firefly, but is encased in soda lime glass like xGLO) and found there is still definitely still some radiation produced, but it’s around .9-1.5 CPS above background - I can actually do graphs of spectrum and maybe oneday I’ll get my hands on an xGLO and Firefly (V1 or V2) to compare
Implant stored in plastic vial, funnily enough I don’t have a tritium vial to measure, working on doing some more measurements has been on the backburner for a while
The inner layer holds the tritium gas and is coated with phosphor.
The next layer holds the lead foil shield.
The outer layer is in contact with your skin. Both outer layers are made from borosilicate, as far as I know.
A negative because I had to go to the ER, but a positive because the xrays are super cool; Images in the next reply.
I fell off my bike hard and had to be checked for gravel in my hands in addition to worrying about potential wrist problems. I nonetheless now have the files and will therefore be posting them!
I am healing well, bit annoying, but getting through it