Solar-powered Amal

The one I am after is NOT for implant. I honestly want to put it in a pocket case with my tillandsia and see if it does anything over time.

Ok that’s pretty cool

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Thanks. Mainly I just want to carry that plant with me, I like watching them grow.


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Ha, only if that is paint chips with lead.


@fraggersparks, at any rate he knows I have dibs on it if Amal has any implants lying around. :wink:

thinking of looking into this for the endochron
EDIT: will defiantly put one of these in the endochron
REEDIT: it depends
REREEDIT: I need to wait a few minutes before I publish a post I think so I don’t go back so many times :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nah, send it

If it’s not clear already, I exist as a constant stream of consciousness… so I appreciate seeing this from others


Brainstorming again …reference to the solar panel, I had a vision of a long wire going up my arm[from wrist to elbow] like that as an antenna. Deposited with like a small straw "tampon type delivery under the skin . For a small comm device or bluetooth and it actuates the finger bone and when the finger is held to your ear it makes the jawbone type effect for a speaker. Like the earbud components but inside so it’s never lost.
Yes for solar good I like where thats headed.

Atmospheric energy tap devices may be a good path to look into , average height of a human got 100 volts there. Maybe a small up amp transfomer?

Or the kinetic energy for watches to power our XLED’s.
Shake your arm for a few secs/minutes of light…?

Just got back to thinking about stuff. Probably already been down this path of thought before though.