Some questions I didn't find out myself, PM3 Easy and xDF2

Hi :slight_smile:

No, that sounds like the VivoKey Apex.
The DF2 can do some crypto stuff, the “applications” there are not really like applications or applets.
The Apex will be able to run your custom code, generate secrets that never leave the chip and theoretically it’s capable of payments… but that will probably still take years from the release of the Apex itself. Read the post I linked above.
Until then, if you want payments in germany, get a VIMPayGO converted by amal.

Flex all the way. But you mentioned 1 week healing, that’s more realistic with a x-series IMO (depending on position).

3/3 ^^

My guess is you want a flexDF2, because those readers are likely not perfect for small little glass chips.
Maybe buy the flexDF2, enroll and test it, then implant it?
OR since they seem helpful already, make a testrun with a DF2 test card before buying a huge implant?