Success! PN532 is not easy to work with!

So of the three PN532 boards I bought, two were from amazon, one was from ebay, but it was dropshipped from amazon.

I noticed in another thread that there was a difference in the silkscreen between the one DT sells and the ones I bought from amazon/ebay. The amazon/ebay ones were significantly cheaper than the DT one…and now I know why…

They appear to be fake.

The one DT sells has a significantly better range reading an implanted xNT than the amazon ones. The amazon one (all three amazon boards I bought), I basically have to have optimum orientation and touch my skin to the PCB for it to read. The DT one gets > 1cm read distance with my implant. Using the xLED, the DT one seems to put out a little more power.

The DT one:

The Amazon one:

The amazon one had an amber power LED, the DT one has a red one.

I see some minor differences in the PCB layout that tells me it’s not from the same file… but I think the biggest “issue” is these chips are not real NXP chips. The logo isn’t quite right on the amazon version.

Looking forward to swapping out the fake PN532 in my punchclock for the DT board so I can finally use my implant for something other than grossing my friends out. haha.