Thanks to Michelle and my wonderful wife

So yesterday was my 16th wedding anniversary. As my wife and I were sitting outside after dinner and chatting, she mentioned she ordered me a cyborg themed gift assortment. My stomach kind of dropped because it was also payday, and I had just ordered another KBR1 to use with my laptop. I told her I had just ordered something “cyborg themed” and was afraid she doubled up on it. She showed me the order, and yep. Unfortunately, I don’t need 3 KBR1s.

I emailed Michelle explaining and asked to cancel my order. 20 minutes later, I received a shipping notification. Oh well, shit happens. Then 2 minutes later, I get a refund notification and an email from Michelle saying she just caught it before shipping it and cancelled it. She also wished us well on our wedding anniversary which my wife thought was sweet.

Then the wife shows me another order receipt and asks “You didn’t order one of these too, did you?”

This woman ordered me a Proxmark RDV4.01 and the LF cylinder antenna. I actually spit out my beer. She’s such an amazing wife!

Now what to do with this RDV2 when the RDv4.01 gets here? LOL


Sounds like you got a keeper there. Make sure she knows it, eh? :+1:


She’s one of those rare women that makes you wake up every morning wanting to be a better man just to try to return the love she gives me everyday. I don’t think I could ever live up to being the man she deserves. But I’ll die trying.


It’s such a great feeling, when someone just supports and understands what’s so important for you, even if they’re not into it themselves - that’s really wonderful. Glad you found such a person! :slight_smile:

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That’s actual the reason behind the gift theme. She was rather unsupportive about me getting implanted, not an argument or fight, but her expressing concern for a few days straight. Mainly out of fear for my safety because she is well aware of my personal troubles outlined in my post when I got installed(fear of needles, propensity to faint when poked). So this particular theme was chosen for a reason.

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not all of us can be so lucky! :smile: