The antiđŸš«-derailment🚃 & threadđŸ§” hijackingđŸ”« threadđŸ§” ⁉

Now I wonder if you can work him like Alexa?

Hey, @Pilgrimsmaster, show me pictures of pancakes!


There has to be at least one bit of the wire crossing over the loops in any coil (or in the case of a PCB, a via). But I would think if that crossing occurs at a spot where the implant doesn’t flex too much - or at all - it should be fine.

Looking at the Vimpay flexie, I can see two crossings, but they’re across the short length of the implant and very near the chip. It doesn’t seem like much flexing should be happening at that spot then.

Still, I guess that’s a possibility. wouldn’t a tiny sliver of Teflon tape under each of the crossings solve the problem - if that is the problem?

It’s a bit more strange than that
 check these photos; XLED implantable field detector - #30 by Jesse

It is basically an expanding spiral coil, but along the sides the wire is overlapping itself almost vertically
 at least it’s very hard to keep it from folding or sliding over itself on those sides when you are trying to carefully extract it from the melted plastic and then re-encapsulate it. Here’s an extraction from IAR for example;

yes you could technically manipulate the fragile and finicky copper wire to basically create protections against this
 but ultimately the labor involved in conversion is already pretty high
 I’d rather the PCB antenna solution so I can just mishandle the copper wire during extraction, then toss it away.

We are already working on a “mega” style disc antenna for 70pF icard and purewrist chips
 and there is a narrow vimpay pcb antenna in the works as well. It wouldn’t take much at this point to make a mega style antenna for vimpay chips too.


Ah right. I wasn’t looking at that picture. Yeah the coil is quite a mess in that one.

Speaking of which, any ETA on this? Or is it Soonℱ? :slight_smile:

Partly posting to see if you muted me. The second tuning revision of those should arrive early next week and if they test well they’ll be doing directly to Amal’s workshop so it could be Soonℱer than you think


A post was merged into an existing topic: Share your cutest cyborgs!

I have COVID. It’s great news: I have a normal disease that a normal immune system with a normal vaccination schedule can deal with easily in a matter of days. And I have an equally unimpressive certificate for 5 days out of work to go with it.
I get normal fucking scripts now. Yeah bitches! Life is great!


Yeah, I had it twice myself. Pretty confident in my immunity now.

To counter that, my sister called from the UK yesterday. My mum has just been hospitalized, my sister, and the ambulance folk thought that she had had another stroke because of how she was found. She was unconscious and breathing strangely.

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Does she have rona?
Hope she gets well soon.

Yes, she has a “bad case” probably not helped by her age
 I really do want to retry this decade. :laughing:


What happened to 2020 being two nat 20s? Who’s the fuckin DM here playing some OP bs lol


I noticed your “clock” stopped counting down

That’s because I’m not interested in sharing this happy personal event publicly here anymore. Or anything else really.

I regularly make the mistake of finding this house nice, and trying to contribute to the decoration, until I’m reminded that the frame and the beams are rotten to the core with the Discord woodlice who have nothing better to do than teach other people how to talk proper.

Incidentally, see how nice I am Schlonger? I didn’t say retard. I said woodlouse. Is that PC enough for you? A woodlouse doesn’t insult the disabled community. That’s how nice I am.

And to top it off, logging off of here, I see another woodlouse who keeps replying to me like if nothing had ever happened. What part of “I have nothing but contempt for you” don’t you understand?

Fuck the whole bally lot of you Discord creeps. The people I want to keep as friends, I already keep in touch in DM. Contributing anything in public here is just a sorry exercize in constant disappointment.

Some of us can engage in polite discourse with people we don’t like when we share common interests and goals. We just purposelessly don’t bring up the things that we know trigger them (as long as they’re not hurting others). It’s part of the whole big tent mentality you’re forced to adopt when most people are fighting to maintain a status quo that doesn’t work for you.


I wouldn’t engage in any discussion with you even if we were joined at the hip. I intensely despise you as a human being. You have nothing to offer that I’m interested in.

That goes both ways little man: I’m of a generation that doesn’t see anything wrong with saying “retarded”, Why don’t YOU cut me some slack? Tolerance goes both ways. You woke lot are ultra-intolerant. The sooner you realize that the better.

Being tolerant of intolerance ultimately eliminates tolerance


Without entering the debate on either side. The verb retard has been used since the 13th century, and didn’t get used to describe mental handicaps in print until 1909. It wasn’t until the 1950’s that it started to be used as an offensive term.

As the past tense of the verb retard it can be defined as

delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment.

If that is the meaning intended then “vaccine retarded” simply means “someone who is held back in terms of getting a vaccine”, and is a purely descriptive and non-pejorative term.

English is a complex language and even native speakers are frequently tripped up on some of the nuances. So, without knowing for certain the actual specific intent of someone it is hard to say for sure.

As a relevant aside I was reading about someone who offended a friend of a friend because they suggested they all “take an Uber” but they were using the term as a generic form of “rideshare service”. When the Lyft turned up the friend was offended as “they had been lied to”. If they had said “get a Lyft” they might have misinterpreted it as “get a lift” and been equally offended.

Some of the terms used in the US are much more offensive elsewhere (and presumably vice versa) so are we supposed to know every potentially offensive term and avoid using them all?


Let me make one thing clear: rest assured than when I said “retarded anti-vaxxer”, I fully intended it as an insult, implying that anti-vaxxers are mentally challenged.

Yes it’s offensive. That was the whole point.

I fully recognize that I’m incredibly offensive to today’s generation, the same way my grandmother was super-shocking to me when she was talking about niggers, kykes or chinks. But I knew better than constantly nagging her about it. She was a relic from the past. So am I. Give me a fucking break.

I don’t jump any of the Discord dwellers when they insist on using they or them to talk about a man or a woman who didn’t even ask any special treatment, despite the weirdness of it all and the atrocious bending of the English language. Yet when I slip - and I don’t even do it on purpose more often than not - oh boy! am I reminded that I should get with the times or what.

That’s where the Discord folks are intolerant. They have their own set of values and they impose them by force on everybody else. And you know what? The irony is, the more they do it, the more backlash and the more hatred they get from people like me who would otherwise be fairly receptive to the narrative. Well played you retards


Ah and yes of course, let’s click the outrage button when we don’t agree with the message, shall we?
