Ha, well, here’s a super dumb and boring update, that probably nobody cares about…
Discourse have finally done an update to something that I put a ticket in about quite a while ago.
The watched words that generate the product hyperlinks for us eg. xEM , Scalpel etc.
Watched words are regular expressions and they do not automatically include word boundaries. If you want the regular expression to match whole words, you have to include \b at the start and end of your regular expression.
So for the NExT , there was always an issue with the NExT link and the expression had to be \bNExT Implant\b → https://dangerousthings.com/product/next/ , and even that caused some issues. " the next implant I want to get is…"
However, Discourse has now given the expressions a case sensitive tick box
NExT → https://dangerousthings.com/product/next/ (case-sensitive)
A small victory
But I’ll take that