The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

I found some ACR122Us on eBay a while back. I bought a bunch and then found out that their firmware is problematic on Linux. I could sell you a few if you’re interested. They’re open box/like new. Authentic as far as I can tell. Wrote to my flexsecure perfectly fine.

The Keychain Q pro series is an excellent board and the quality and support are top notch.

They have several different layouts and are highly customizable. Entry is usually a hair under 200$

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Put $1 aside every day for 1 year and you’ll have yourself the keyboard of your dreams in no time…well, in a year


Before i got into custom mechs my mindset was that i wouldnt spend mor ethan 50$ on a keyboard. And i am on mine easily 8-10hrs a day. i dipped my toes into a Keychron Q1. next thing i know im buying 600$ limited run keyboards.

its a slippery slope.


Is this your windows account password? I think @Vicarious had a project using a Pi or something that held a password in memory and typed that when an authenticated chip was scanned.

There’s also this project:

Also, @Zwack, I haven’t seen you in a while. How the fuck are you? And did Amal finally manage to get under your skin?


Yes thank you for asking


I had it bookmarked.
As far as I can tell, 2 of the links are now dead.
The Dangerous minds one, that had the info to build your own from the original design.
(I MIGHT have a copy of it SOMEWHERE.)

and the one is also dead.
He does however seel the finished readers on/ Digiwell

Here is the link.

If you’re not in the EU, Postage is pretty high

Everything I have read about them indicates they are great little readers.

Pretty sure @Vicarious has a Git.
It might be on that

heres mine using a pro micro and a pn532

#if 0
#include <SPI.h>no matching function for call to 'pn532_i2c::pn532_i2c(twowire&)'
#include <PN532_SPI.h>
#include <PN532.h>
#include <NfcAdapter.h>
#include <Keyboard.h>

PN532_SPI pn532spi(SPI, 10);
NfcAdapter nfc = NfcAdapter(pn532spi);

#include <Wire.h>
#include <PN532_I2C.h>
#include <PN532.h>
#include <NfcAdapter.h>
#include <Keyboard.h>

PN532_I2C pn532_i2c(Wire);
NfcAdapter nfc = NfcAdapter(pn532_i2c);
String uid = "0";

void setup(void) {
    Serial.println("NDEF Reader");

void loop(void) {
    Serial.println("\nScan a NFC tag\n");
    if (nfc.tagPresent())
        NfcTag tag =; // Reads the RFID/NFC tag
        uid = tag.getUidString(); // Fetches UID from the tag and save it in variable "uid"
        Serial.println(uid); // Shows the UID of the scanned RFID/NFC tag in Serial Monitor
        /* RFID/NFC tag with 7 byte UID */
        if (uid == "xx xx xx xx xx xx xx") {
            Keyboard.print("insert your password here"); // Sends the string "Passphrase" to the computer
            Keyboard.write(KEY_RETURN); // Sends Enter
            delay(5000); //makes sure the password isn't repeated

There’s a bank downtown where I live with an ATM in the entryway. The door can be opened by tapping a card so I wondered if my Apex, despite having no card on it, would work.


Haven’t used it to much, but I heard good things about it. I’ll definitely use it more once I get my Apex Flex implanted.

I seen also that Digital Logic released the JustID, which is a “NFC UID Reader Keyboard Emulator USB Dongle”, just like the KBR1. I might try it out. They offer different versions, one which seems might read the xSLX.

The JustID might help folks who are looking for a smaller KBR1, or looking to embed it somewhere…

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Why are people like this!?




random question:
What are you guys using for link shortener?
Can you change the target of the re-direct on the fly or is it locked once created?
Any reason to avoid them?

I never used one, ad if i can re-direct it on the go, im thinking to put that on an NFC tag so i can change where it goes to with out having to re-program said tag … at least that’s the hope :yum:

there’s 3 that i consistently use.


I’ve used but I don’t think it can do what you are askiing. There are also YouTube videos about various methods to make your own URL shortner so you might be able to make one with that specific capabilty.

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should vivokey create a url shortner that requires chip scan to create a short url (instead of username or any of that jazz)?


How about a lengthener