The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

Just to be very clear about sterile packaging. The pouches things come in are DESIGNED to be full of holes. The paper backing MUST be full of holes to allow the sterilant INTO the INSIDE of the sterilization pouch. But once sterilized and removed from the processor (autoclave or EO chamber or whatever), those holes immediately work against you and can easily allow bacteria and viruses right on into the pouch if not handled extremely carefully. This is why we do not just shuffle around our inventory after receiving it from the EO processor… it is bagged and sealed and we leave our products in those bags until kitting, which is when we put them (while wearing gloves) into the kit poly bag and seal that up… and then put a sticker on that to tell customers not to open it until install day… all that is to minimize contamination through that shitty fishnet of a paper backing.

Things that can ruin sterilization;

  • touching with bare skin (skin oils easily penetrate the paper, dragging in germs with it)
  • getting it even remotely damp (water vapor further destroys the paper and drags germs in)
  • thermal cycling (even small changes in air temperature of only 10 degrees is enough to force air in and out of the pouch through the paper, like it’s breathing… and it’s breathing in germs)
  • looking at it wrong (your dirty eyes are only exceeded by your dirty thoughts)

So yeah, being sent a hodge-podge of shit just jumbling around on your desk… it is definitely getting contaminated.