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Thanks for the well wishes. My dad thankfully didn’t have any side effect at all, hoping my mom doesn’t as well. She’s immunocompromised (lupus) so a bit more worried there than with my dad. Thankfully most studies agree that there still shouldn’t be any adverse effects, even with something like lupus.

Out of curiosity, which vaccine did your mom get, if you don’t mind me asking? Curious about the distribution, and what different countries have approved. Around my city, it’s like 60% Pfizer, 30% Moderna, and 10% Johnson & Johnson. Interestingly, the J&J vaccine seems much more popular in the more rural parts of my state. I know that the Pfizer vaccine needs special storage, but I’m surprised Moderna isn’t more approved.

The US doesn’t have the AstraZeneca vaccine yet, which I find interesting.

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I always thought it’d be real interesting to have an open conversation with a North Korean. God only knows what normally people over there think of us.

Politics will never allow it, but still.

Risk vs reward.

The US has plenty of vaccinations currently, and that brand has been causing blood clots.

It is in phase 3 trials for the FDA and will likely be approved for certain groups.

Sadly, the more poor places will use this as their primary source of vaccinations as the risk vs reward is reversed, when this is all they can get for a vaccine.

The rate of blood clots for AZ is about 3 per million doses administred.
Pfizer, in comparison, has about 2.4 per million.
Most hormonal contraceptives have a higher rate, so I am really not so sure what the fuss is about.


I don’t understand either. I listened to a story about it on the radio on my drive in to work today. That is what I took from it.

So the blood clots rate of AZ vaccine is around 1 in 425000, the population generally has a rate of 1 in 1000 with the contraceptive pill its around 1 in 1000 aswell so yeah it’s not actually an issue. Definatly feels like the latest EU attempt to discredit the AZ vaccine.

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I’m not 100% sure, but I think it was Biontech/Pfizer. AstraZeneca was used in Germany as well, but they stopped it because of the blood-clot-stuff
 which is just stupid, because the rate is still freaking low. But hey, in Germany we don’t manage to get the bureaucratics behind vaccinating someone done, so I guess it doesn’t matter that much what kind of vaccination we don’t use

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My sister and I were talking about that earlier today. She asked which on I got, I got the Astra as did most people at where I work, and she mentioned that contraceptive pill rate for blood clots. I never knew about that before.

Yep I had the astra one, my partner can’t take the “normal” pill due to the risk of blood clots and her suffering from migraines. Its actually scary how many side effects there are of contraceptive pills / implants.

If you want to hear some mad stuff regarding implants/IUDs listen to this.

It’s insane what they did.

I’ll listen to that but the short answer is if they had to pass clinical trials now they wouldn’t. It was at least in part about (originally) giving women the ability to take some control.

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Totally agree.

For them specifically though, the fact that they still sold it to poorer countries after it was found to be causing so much damage to the body, i mean, lets call a spade a spade. They were cunts.

Hope your missus is doing well though, sad to hear her options are limited due to bad reactions

And now, is part of our world.


Ahahaha - I LOVE that! That’s just crazy :rofl:

And I must admit, though it’s more of a joke for me, I really loved “The Last Unicorn” as a child (and it might still bring me to tears, I don’t dare to try :wink: ) - I guess a bit of fantasy and magic is a good thing in today’s world :slight_smile: :unicorn:

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The seasons are changing here. Which means I have enough extra cat hair to make 3 or 4 more cats.


Here’s a random question that’s probably in @Backpackingvet or @greydoc wheel house

Have a friend who’s seriously considering taking the implant plunge, he’s going to have his friend that’s a vet, inject him with lido and do the install

Cool, w/e no biggy there

Then I realize, now that I have my final implant for a while
 I’m absolutely dying to get an X-ray of my robot hand

His says his vet friend is probably willing to do an X-ray or 2 on the down low

Am I unusually stupid for considering using a vet X-ray, or not a big deal as long as I don’t do anything shockingly stupid, like take 57 X-rays

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You’ll be fine. X-ray is an x-ray. You’ll get more cancer from an airplane flight or eating a few TV dinners

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Kinda what I figured, I’m also guessing it’s probably the exact same machine and settings

But who knows maybe vet X-rays are wildly unregulated or something
 just making sure

Fair warning, if and when I post an X-ray, my wrist is jacked so that won’t be super photogenic


Well, we at least expect you to put it through a Narcissistic Instagram photo filter or “least ye be judged”

Obviously joking, I am looking forward to viewing your robot hand :mechanical_arm:
I still remember when you were but a fledgling all tentative about your first implant, NOW you are more metal than man :robot:


Maybe if I went in a diet and worked out a lot of this covid weight (we’ll blame that)

Until then there’s definitely a lot more man

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