Oh, I remember that.
I remember how bad it was…
Another reccomend for you though…
The last dragon
I received my first Covid injection last week… I can feel it working already
I can’t wait until my 2nd injection…
Bring on that sweet sweet 10G
I had both of mine back in January. I don’t think they worked though. Probably a deliberate snub by Bill Gates as I don’t like Windows and mocked some of the things he said and later backtracked on… “I think OS/2 is the operating system of the future.”
THE ™ in SOON™ stands for tomorrow?!
Or something else? Temp chip?
Or coming out means removed?!
A little bit of DT promotion… Join the DT Club and you too will know all the secrets.
(Although I suspect that in this case he means it will be removed tomorrow)
Ouh yeah, actually I’ll do it now.
Can confirm, DT club 100% worth it
Just seen everything that’s been posted and am more excited than ever for the future
Not quite all. This one’s well kept. And yes I mean removed.
just trying some things out on the forum with pinned topics and banners… sorry to disturb ye olde timers
I’m not sure I can take it.
I just accidentaly updated firefox on my phone, and now I’m so lost.
Picture go now
Show off !!!
I cant be the only one who thought this was hilarious. DT only fans … what we getting the naked chips
I forgot about that picture also typing anything into only fans is problematic for a dyslexic expecially Amal.