The antiđŸš«-derailment🚃 & threadđŸ§” hijackingđŸ”« threadđŸ§” ⁉

As much as there ARE some super dumb people who hate implants

I hate that type of reductionist argument

Doesn’t like chip = white supremacist / dumb
Is pretty bullshit

The world needs less small brain polarization


I keep getting banned on tiktoc lives everytime i mention my chips. :laughing:

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I may or may not be publishing a paper in IEEE Transactions on Haptics soon, Some of you might guess what it’s about


Hey y’all,
Been a while.

I seem to have missed a few things here.

  1. Not to bring up more painful discussion but I also left because of discord. This forum works great because it’s focused. Turns out I can’t take some of you when all subjects are on the table :man_shrugging:

  2. Man I wish I was on when Amal asked about the water heater wattage. I actually knew an answer for once!

  3. First time I have said this but I need to go out and find footage from Dr. Phil

  4. What’s up with the DT club logo being a face? Am I out on an in joke?

  1. it’s about cultivating a vibe
 and it’s way harder to do that the faster the comms are
 the forum is slower and therefore faster to cool and easier to correct.

  2. ha! Know anything about gas tankless systems? Considering changing out.

  3. posted to dt club but several YouTube copyright infringers have posted the full episode.

  4. kinda yeah. It’s Brandon who was on the Dr. Phil episode with me. He did great. It’ll change back soon
 prob to the blue check
 which I liked best :slight_smile:

Finally, welcome back!


To expand on my thoughts regarding culture cultivation vs rule setting
 basically the way I look at it is, if you set up a regime of rule creation and rule enforcement, where the focus is on identifying violations and enforcing punitive actions, then you’ve created a box where inevitably the particles contained within are going to bounce against those walls. You’re trying to contain chaos that wants to test those boundaries. Just like how explosives work, creating a closed box traps pressure and heat and things tend to get out of hand pretty quickly
 and the little voices in people’s heads that are supposed to intervene before saying or posting something ill-advised, that voice is trounced by the other voice that says “well it’s not against the rules, so you’re fine”. It becomes about the rules and not the culture.

On the other hand, if you don’t have hard and fast rules but instead create an attractive culture that pulls people around an orbit
 most of the time people can read the room and stay within the orbit
 It’s a system that keeps itself together
 Sometimes individual particles fly out of the system, but they typically come back after a while
 they had to expand their orbit but they were free to do that instead of bouncing around inside a contained box
 bumping into other particles
 creating chain reactions. By creating a sun at the center of the system, it warms discussion, keeps participants circling at whatever orbits they are comfortable in, and nobody is focused on lines and boundaries, just the discussion at the center. That little voice that intervenes is simply asking
 is this the descent way to approach this? Is this against the vibe of the forum? It’s not about rules
 and that’s the difference.

Of course this is not a perfect analogy and sometimes people need to be chilled out sometimes
 but as I mentioned, that’s far easier to do on a slow moving forum versus a 24/7 word hose.


Thank you for saying that, I’m already paranoid of getting insulted for having the wrong opinions

The same thing happens with the “smart = left wing, dumb = right wing” point of view. As if the words “left” and “right” meant anything at this point

I suspect that some people fear that they might get forced to get implants against their will. And to be honest, I wouldn’t like to have to be forced get a government issued ID implant either.

I want my implants to be mine and understand why these things are not for everyone.

Maybe we should mentioned the story of the Australian who got fined for getting a metro card converted. A good understanding of reality can reduce fear significantly.

  1. The forum is a great example of when it works.

  2. Not too much but I’ve looked into it quite a bit. If I had gas here I’d have one but with only electric I wasn’t willing to up the amperage into the house just for the water heater. I have many people trying to take showers so the constant flow is valuable but a tankless won’t help if you want instant heat. A recirculator will help if that’s your problem. Also note that how much energy you need depends on your water input temp so you’ll have to know your area. Edit: also if you’re inclined to DIY, sharkbite fittings are pricey but amazing. No need to use glue that takes long to dry or solder in tight spaces. Just press and it’s sealed.

  3. I’m pleasantly surprised how well that went. He allowed everyone to speak but did seem to keep the conspiracy advocates in check.

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This is what it’s about really. That and the electrical wiring is so shit in the house I need to replace it
 it it’ll cost me $500 in just copper to do that, so like why bother
 we already have a gas furnace right next to the water heater. At the very least we could go gas hot water tank but might as well go full tankless so we can deal with moments of extreme water use we run into once in a while.

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Yea, I try to shoot for the center, but on some issues I skew right
or I skew left on other topics and the amount of dehumanizing reductionist hate I get lumped into is super annoying

And that’s a valid fear, I love my implants
. But a authority enforcing one can pound sand

But I in general don’t support the society habit of lumping disliked things together


Have you considered a hybrid system that is a small water heater with a tankless?

The word hose is why I don’t interact with the Discord much at all. That and it is harder to be a part of conversations you might have input on unless you either start them or end up watching it all the time. That could just be me but I tend to stick to smaller Discord servers set around a small group of people rather than bigger more busy ones.

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Yes but then that’s double the cost really
 what I’m actually working on is a way to use pex manifolds with variable electric values so my children can trickle their baths and showers at much lower volumes
 so a tankless should work fine for that without much need for heating of stored water.

My Mother has a tankless. She also raised my nephews. When she discovered their shower times creeping up towards the 25 minute mark, they discovered she could turn it off for instant cold well water showers. Only took a few times to put the fear in them. Still, think about it, especially if you’ve got kids growing up in the house. They’re more efficient, until someone decides to stand in it all day cause it never cools down.

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I know I’m terrible for the environment, but usually cool water is what signals me to get out.(something about hot running water tickles my ADHD brain’s need for constant stimulation) Tankless would burn a hole in my wallet so fast
but it sounds soo nice haha

Hah well I don’t mind them spending time in the tub / shower
 as long as I can control the volume and heat output. Not sure if tankless adjusts flame burn to volume or not
 need to look into it.

Is there anything i could say that will put this man at ease with the whole chip thing?

I have one.

Its great. It also is what heats our house. We have slab on grade with a heated floor. Both the house and garage.(would have also done my driveway, but it was laid before we moved here)

It takes a few min to get hot water to the sink, but once it comes, it stays on.

I thought this happens at the sink for volume? Turn on less hot water for a comfortable output.

For heat output i set mine higher a bit. I can do that on the heater itself.

Edit to add, its pretty cheap to use.

I feel so targeted.

Ive done this, solid 30 min. I dont do it often, maybe once or twice a year cause i feel bad.

I figure my normal shower time of about 4 to 7 minutes makes up for it kinda. (2 if im in a hurry)

Downside to new house, our master bath is much larger and connected (without a door to the walk-in closet

So now there’s so much space the shower can’t turn the bathroom into a sauna like my old shower in a super tiny room