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I think that I need to 3D print myself a pair of gloves


Excuse me I need to uh

scrambles to 3D printer on all 4

If you have deets for those files don’t you dare hold back

This looks close

But I’m not at a computer to examining the file closely


This is what I have. Now I really need to get myself a 3D printer, I’ve been putting it off for too long. And this is probably the perfect candidate to incorporate something along the lines of a resonant repeater.

That way, your robot gloves interact with your implants. And you can improve the range of your cybernetics while looking awesome!

Ok, the renders from the game don’t look as nice, these are the first person hand models:

Just to prepare you, after some time your body will try to heal your fresh install, when that happens, you will likely experience some swelling/inflamation to the area, and you may loose the ability to read and write to your NExT for upto 2 weeks, after that, you’ll be golden :+1:


giphy (28)


Eventually it becomes a part of you.

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Eventually you become a part of it.


Where do I sign up for full Stroggification?


Just want to share a bit of experience

Today was my first full day with my implants. I first went to work, tried to scan my LF NExT to clock in, but the reader is a bit crappy (even with the tags) so I ended up just using the tags. I clocked out with the implant tho.

Then I learned the hard way that MS surface stylus and apple pens are magnet secured, and you have to be really carefull how you handle them if you have a titan in the tip of your still swollen finger. It hurts. :tired_face:

Then it was time to print a report. I used my NExT to log in on the printer. That said the dual band reader was sometimes reading one side, sometime the other. I registered both tho.

Sadly my tragus magnet did not made me hear anything for now. And it doesn’t have a lot of tactile feeling tho. But that was to be expected. I tried (without much hope) to hear an A putting a 20V 440Hz signal through a home made coil (just a bit of wire twisted around a screw, but it didn’t worked
). I’m planning to consult one of my teachers (he’s almost as crazy as me) to build a coil in the form factor of an earring or similar.

The thing that blew me away the most was that I basically just got a new way of feeling the world, enven if I don’t have fine feeling yet. Suddently I would feel some magnetic spots on my laptop. I discovered that the body of some resistors (only the blue ones) in my lab were magnetic, but their legs were not, while a yellow LED and it’s legs is. I was able to tell if a doorknob was ferromagnetic or not. And after manipulating a bunch of knife and forks I was surprised to find out that only one of them was made out of iron. And I quickly found myself instinctively touching metalic objects around me to find out if they were attracted by my magnet.

10/10 experience. Would recommend. Was worth almost passing out in a cave while a guy was butchering my finger. :smile:


That is to be expected, your still very fresh install will only improve with time.

Great share though, sounds like a good day


Lol my 1st experience with the xg3, was turning off the metal lamp at my hotel the evening post install
 I got a little shock :joy:.

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That’s why I’m so passionate about biomagnets. They are possibly the only sensory augmentation that is so simple and effective. And there are so many things that can be done with them that we haven’t even considered yet. I tried exploring this field but needed a bigger audience to justify innovation. The Titan surely was a big step in that direction. The next step is for it to become much more affordable and then :scientist:

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What’s today’s date again? :fish:




Thanks for the translation, Google :sweat_smile:


You all know what I’m thinking.


Step 1 : Ha ! I don’t need the magnet ! I have one in me !
magnet is not strong enough to lift the socket
Step 2 : Ha ! I don’t need the glove ! I have a magnet in me ! put a big magnet on finger
when trying to lift the socket up, the big magnet get stuck on a part of the engine. You don’t have your socket, you don’t have your big magnet, and both of them are stuck hard somewhere in the engine
Step 3 : Ffffffff