The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Iā€™d be shocked if Sparrows made a small batch


OKay, Fair point, maybe 10
Double figures

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Ha, I am kinda glad it sold out. Iā€™ve been eyeing their challenge vault for a while and I dont need a excuse to toss other things in my cart while I am at it.


Just like this one that arrived 2 days agoā€¦

Man, when I saw the email at midnight last night, I wish I knew that it was going to be released, I would have waited.
Then again, I still would have missed out.
Email stated, they were going to available at 0200 (my time) I thought, I would just wait until I woke upā€¦
unnamed (22)


Noice, have ya managed to get it open for the first time yet?


I havenā€™t even tried yet.
It is on my list.
I know it will take a while, so I need to set aside some time,
Also I have a stethoscope and Sensitive microphone at my work I wanā€™t to use, but I am still in lock-down
But I try without them firstā€¦


Iā€™m really curious how useful things like a stethoscope are in actual safe cracking or if its a movie thing since that thing can be opened on all its difficulty levels without


Depends on how quiet it is.
if you can use touch AND sound, then all the better


Damn, I want that safe cracker :open_mouth: but I guess shipping will be a bitch to Norway as always :sweat_smile:

Could be interesting to learn some lockpicking though, so maybe Iā€™ll grab a kit from KSEC soon, and I also have two cylinders 5/6 pin cylinders from when I swaped them om the garage and my apartment for trainingšŸ˜


I think international shipping is pretty standard, About CAD$11.
Regardless of the size of your order.
I use the Canadian :canada: shop rather than the USA one

Postage just under a week to NZ

I highly rate Sparrows gear, Price and quality, I donā€™t think you can do much better.


Not at that price point anyway.


One of the most avid posters on the forum, canā€™t stand social media :thinking:
Purely because I am nosy, whats the line for you.

The dictionary definition I just looked up was:
ā€œwebsites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.ā€ so a forum seems to fit :slight_smile:

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That would not be MY definition.

I see a forum as a place where a TOPIC is the focus and the discussions and sharing of knowledge are around that.

Social media to me, is where a PERSON is the focus.

I see social media as purely and simply the grandiose act of self-importance and narcissistic behaviors of human kind and it has played the largest role in the decline of modern society.

I could easily go on, I didnā€™t even touch on the negative side of it, and I do get the positives but they are FAR outweighed by the negatives; But I think you get my stance,
and thatā€™s just my view on it.


I see social media as purely and simply the grandiose act of self-importance and narcissistic behaviors of human kind and it has played the largest role in the decline of modern society.

I could easily go on, I didnā€™t even touch on the negative side of it, and I do get the positives but they are FAR outweighed by the negatives; But I think you get my stance,
and thatā€™s just my view on it.

The positives are that it gives people that dopamine shot they need. I only have social media accounts so that I can access information I need on any platform. But yea, social media is the worst of humanity on display.



I personally have most of the typical social media accounts but itā€™s more so I can be nosey if I want to. Havenā€™t posted in FB or looked at my feed in years, but say a friend gets a new significant other I can go have a snoop :sweat_smile::rofl:

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FFSā€¦ I wonder if this will cause additional traffic on a certain threadā€¦ lol



Seriously, what level of toxic personality do you have to reach to prey on the fears of people with SERIOUS mental health problems.


Roger Stone, What a Fucken Idiot.
I guess that is how he makes money and stays in the headlines

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Well he just got sentenced to several years in prison despite being close friends with trumpā€¦ So that probably says a lot.


I cant decide if thats worse than the 5G caused coranavirus nonsense thats been going around.