The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

Is this skibidi?

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Please never say that again.


Keep forgetting… My knowledge is limited :pleading_face:


Me at the hospital I was born at:


Yes us Americans do exise the forbidden onion ring.


I still have that bit of skin and my wisdom teeth…

Provided, I want to go full block of metal at some point. But still, having those bits is not a problem.

Why!? There’s no reason to keep that brutal tradition!


Weight reduction


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I agree for all but Partially puppy mutilation.

I am 100% for certain breeds to get their tail docked.

I had an amazing pittie. The problem was she thought she was a much smaller dog. Her energy levels far exceeded her size.

This dog would get so excited and wag her tail with such force she broke it on multiple occasions. Blood would squirt everywhere, she would freak out and take off running. Tables and chairs would go flying. By the end of it my house would look like a Jackson Pollock painting.

I wished I would have had her tail docked when she was a puppy so she wouldn’t have had so many breakages. By the time she passed her tail looked like the automatic antenna of a poorly kept 1992 Ford tempo


There is a huge difference between tail docking, and mutilation like ear cropping …


Agreed, and I’m against ear cropping 100%


People always seem horrified about declawing the dewclaw, then I explain to them them the horror stories of dewclaws and their mind tends to change.

Where is the datum of the human body, and what’s the moment of said onion ring?

Ahh the nostalgia…


Pretty sure I had #7

Thus time grants the Beard of Wisdom

I’m curious about #2, is than an antenna trace under the flip out?

Was that to boost range?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I really wanted to got one of those Windows Mobile HTC phones. I was a bit of a fan of that OS, and of Palm OS as well. But I used to have a separate PDA instead of a smartphone back in the day.

My first true smartphone was a cheap Samsung Galaxy. Never got around to buying that HTC or Treo…

My beard grows incredibly fast. Still, I don’t want to laser it.

Does having a beard of wisdom along with wisdom teeth make you even more wise, or do they cancel out?


Aww, they skipped the helio ocean.

And the LG Chocolate, that was a great phone.

Although the capacitive 5 way navigator had it’s limitations.


Believe it or not but a big reason it’s practiced in America today, outside of religion, is because of Will Kellogg, as in Kellogg’s corn flakes cereal (which upon further thought I don’t know if y’all have outside the US but the point stands)
Edit: just checked and it was actually his brother John Kellogg