The antiđŸš«-derailment🚃 & threadđŸ§” hijackingđŸ”« threadđŸ§” ⁉


I’ve posted this before but I’m doing it again because holy shit it gets me every time.

Carl Sagan - Wanderers

For all its material advantages, the sedentary life has left us edgy, unfulfilled. Even after 400 generations in villages and cities, we haven’t forgotten. The open road still softly calls, like a nearly forgotten song of childhood. We invest far-off places with a certain romance. The appeal, I suspect, has been meticulously crafted by natural selection as an essential element in our survival. Long summers, mild winters, rich harvests, plentiful game—none of them lasts forever. It is beyond our powers to predict the future. Catastrophic events have a way of sneaking up on us, of catching us unaware. Your own life, or your band’s, or even your species’ might be owed to a restless few—drawn, by a craving they can hardly articulate or understand, to undiscovered lands and new worlds.

Herman Melville, in Moby Dick, spoke for wanderers in all epochs and meridians. He said ‘I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas.’

Maybe its a little early. Maybe the time is not quite yet. But those other worlds, promising untold opportunities, beckon. Silently, they orbit the Sun, waiting.



Also, I’ve been watching alot of Youtube lately, and they just keep showing me ads for

ad blockers.


I have a couple of suggestions but it really depends on what you are using them for.

I have one of these

I have it with my travel cables
Cheap, Doesn’t have its own power, but plugs into a powerbank, decent light for the size, and can be pointed where you like for hands free.

Unrelated, but I have one of these for travel also cheap and can be hands free, etc

I have 2 different ones of these.

One has 4xaaa batteries, or usb powered A to Barrel.
As below

The other is a newer version, rechargable battery and USB type C

No pictures, but similar to the above.

Stable base, changeable angles and lumens.
handy and light weight, good for what it is, I wouldn’t call it EDC by any stretch, could travel with it, but I wouldn’t personally


Cruelty disguised as ‘cost savings’ has been the point for a long time with certain folks.

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My weekend plans


What am I watching


An immersive VR game during a particularly foggy / smoggy scene


In reality, its probably, either:
a. A scam
b. A scientifically unproven medicine
c. A scientifically unproven medicinal scam


What, you don’t steam your eyeballs on the daily? Heathen!




Just woke up after sleeping for 15 hour



Pretty wires!



Curious. Trying it out now.

Easy enough to acquire the deb file and launch it, but it’s unclear how to use it. Can’t figure out what the keyboard shortcut is for scrolling through the keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. Doesn’t come with a man page. warp-terminal --help is suggested but does nothing except bug out and crash the terminal. The AI doesn’t know where its own documentation is.

Ha! I thought it was funny when he kept trying to oversell the mouse support (which many terminals have) by pretending that existing terminals all force you to scroll back through your command one letter at a time with the arrow keys (no they don’t, readline exists, alt+b), but, y’know, it is a paid promotion so whatever. But
 turns out warp doesn’t even have readline! So unless I wanna dig a mouse out of my bag and plug it in every time I wanna edit a line, its inferior to standard terminal emulators in that regard.

Concerned about privacy. Licencing. Don’t personally need the sharing feature. Suspicious about the generative AI model.

It doesn’t seem to be an improvement over the terminals we already use, but an alternative design that removes as much functionality as it adds. I’m suspicious that it’s just trying to harvest CLI data for its AI model (and for all the other lovely things companies like to harvest our data for), and to try to sell us the data leech they’ve packaged it up in a nice shiny new “modernized” app, complete with all the “modern” features that “modern” companies like to sell to “modern” people, like a sluggish GUI, poor keyboard support, mouse reliance, and a magical useless word spouting machine.

In short, first impressions aren’t great. Will fiddle some more, but think I’ll stick with zsh for a terminal emulator that’s modernized in ways that actually matter.

(Sorry, didn’t mean for this comment to become a full page review.)


Yeah, no, done fiddling. Uninstalled that jank.

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I am trying it but it’s going to need to move a mountain for me to give up iterm


Dude should have grabbed himself a DT magnet