The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Yep - if people that are close to me or to my heart are happy, I am too. I think selfishness and altriusm go together more often than one would thinkā€¦

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Letā€™s put a positive spin on it.

Whatever their motivation is, they are still better than somebody who is able to donate/help but chooses not to.

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No I mean even like people in Africa. If more people there can do some research instead of searching for water, the world would be far in the future.

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The old ethical discussion whether it depends on motivation or outcome if a deed is good :wink:
But yes, if the donated money is actually used for something ā€œgoodā€, itā€™s a fine thing.

Would be that way, if any donation would really arrive where it is needed. I have family in Mosambique, and the way people think there isā€¦ very different. I mean, little example - malaria is a huge problem there, people get sick, people die from it. So, some helpful organization decided to donate a lot of mosquito nets - they actually help a lot, and they are a very simple measure against malaria. So, people received their mosquito nets, and instead of using them to prevent getting sick, they sold them at the local market and bought booze off the money. Sigh.
I totally agree that the world would benefit a lot from more equality and less ā€œfirst world vs. third worldā€-stuff, but I think it would make more sense not to donate, but ā€œsimplyā€ to stop exploiting. Just make trade on eye height, with fair prices and such, and some problems would be solved. Sadly, thatā€™s not how economy works, currentlyā€¦


Iā€™m in a rural part of the U.S.

There are no restrictions here. None. Some people mask up, not all, and its strictly voluntary. Plus the people who do wear them will invariably pull it down when they meet someone so they can talk. Those who do wear, almost always have it under their nose.

Pretty sure weā€™re gunning for the mortality rate record.


Why is it that way? I mean, people see in the news whatā€™s happening, do they not take that serious?
I do not like wearing this damned mask as well, but I do, simply because it might help. Okay, and itā€™s currently a law here that you have to wear a mask, but I can also see that it makes some sense. So why do people choose not to wear a mask or not to take this shit serious? Iā€™m really asking out of curiosity, for I obviously just donā€™t get itā€¦

This has nothing to do with the coronavirus. Itā€™s a Coma cooling-off period :slight_smile:


Mawwwwwww - thatā€™s even less fair! I donā€™t want toā€¦ I donā€™t need to cool-off! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Complete and total failure of leadership. Weā€™re on course to fix that, but the damage is done.

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Okay, that youā€™ve got quite a leadership problem over there is obvious - but wouldnā€™t people wear masks to protect themselves or the ones they love? Or is it because the man with the fluffy rug on his head said a few times too often that corona is harmless? Still, everyone must be able to see the death rate and all thatā€¦

There is a deeper problem that spouts very strange things from time to timeā€¦ the division and derision that has split this country in two over the last 30+ years has caused firm adherence to party line for every issue no matter how small (or stupid). Nobody is looking at anything objectively anymoreā€¦ or hell even subjectivelyā€¦ they only look at things through the lens of the party.

Democrats want people to wear masks for public health, so naturally Republicans feel itā€™s a hoax or an attack on freedomsā€¦ there is no thought. It goes both ways tooā€¦ Dems will harp on Trump for anything and everything he says and make mountains out of certain little mole hills here and there that only make them look like rabid morons on a wild goose chase, and democrat civilians refuse to even consider well reasoned argumentsā€¦ they just want a kind of class warfare and what amounts to segregation.

The country is broken. I believe Russia played the game with us, and won it big time. Both the USA and Russia has, for decades, played the disinformation and destabilization gameā€¦ but Russia has had a dictator installed who kills political opponents and journalists, and who came up through the KGB as a spyā€¦ they knew the game in and out but as soon as true journalism was killed by social media, they knew they could destroy our soft power around the world by destroying our political system. They won.


Sadly enough no. My mom works at a clinic and a woman whoā€™s daughter has JUST PASSED AWAY went to a family reunion when she was meant to be quarantined and now her mother has passed from it and her husband has been hospitalized.

They absolutely can and decide that itā€™s either left-wing propaganda or that they just simply donā€™t care. It is all about politics now. Nobody can be fucked to just wear a mask so that we can be done, instead the rest of the world is laughing at us.

One day our country will be healed hopefully and although Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be a glorious day, I reckon Iā€™ll be snuggled up in Canada. Or dead.

After all I read here (and seriously, thanks to all of you for giving me a bit more insight into the US - I donā€™t like to rely on hearsay about other countries), I do not laugh about the US. I feel really sad for all the great, open-minded people that live there. Itā€™s a shame that idiots lead that country, and that idiots influence the view the world has on the US.

Yep, thatā€™s just incredibly stupid. But weā€™ve got this kind of people in Germany, tooā€¦ they tend to demonstrate a lot here, waving flags from a certain, very unglorious part of the last centuryā€¦

Actually genuinely sympathic, but we do laugh at one particular American.

The U.S. is commonly referred to as a she such as a ship or cars. At this point I believe ā€œshe weeps for her people.ā€

Rightfully so, honestly both of the lads have embarrassed themselves in the recent.

Where did I put that 3.048 meter poleā€¦


Thatā€™s the business model

For the Flex One, you can use the VivoKey In Vivo app type, and itā€™s free. All our apps will be free for Apex/Flex devices.

Nope. Only free apps can be loaded like that.

Itā€™s up to the app. Fidesmo allows free applets, yes. This is entirely up to the developer of the app itself. Dev accounts are free for low volume, but do cost money for bigger accounts.

Fidesmo servers arenā€™t exactly free to run.

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Someone was mentioning they want a pegleg implant, does anyone here have one or have more knowledge on it?

Iā€™ve read up on it a couple times, but I have way more questions on the topic as Iā€™m fascinated by it

Does the wireless charger stick via magnet like the MagSafe?

How long has someone had one installed for?

Whatā€™s recovery like?

Downsides to it?

Does it ping a metal detector? ā€¦tsa?

Sooo curious about the legal implications of data storage in your bodyā€¦

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I believe @Moonman0922 has one set aside for them, unless they already have it in their possession?

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