Barefooting in the cold is just a matter of how long you can do it safely. My limit is 40 degrees: above that and I can stay out all day long, no problem. Under that and there’s a timer ticking. Freezing, I can stay 10 minutes out. 15 degrees, 3/4 minutes. 5 degrees, 2 minutes max. The timer’s out when I can’t feel my toes anymore: then it gets unsafe, both because of frostbite, and because I can’t feel what I’m walking on.
So one hour of driveway cleaning definitely requires shoewear.
I don’t actually I only have dumb RFID implants inside of me (LFs and simple NTAGs / Mifare Classics).
I meant it’d work coupling-wise.
The thing with high security chips is, they’re only truly usable if they’re tied to some external service. I’ve yet to need a service bad enough that I want to implant a dedicated chip for. Since I haven’t had no need for true crypto yet, I haven’t felt the need to implant anything other than dumb chips. They provide good enough security for me and they’re mine to control, not somebody else’s.
Incidentally, I really like my current lineup of dumb NFC chips: the doNExT for difficult readers, the flexM1 for easier ones, and the IAR M1k for powerful ones. With those 3 chips, I can test any NFC devices out there for coupling and report on them
Kinda, with every bodymod except for my tattoos. Everything gets worse in the cold or under tape, for me.
For piercings, it was obvious to me - metal gets cold, so after some time, it starts to hurt quite a bit. When I still had rings in my lip (switched to bars because of work…), I realized that in winter, I started to talk a slight bit unclear, because my lip was just getting stiff from the cold.
The (admittedly still fresh) scarification hurts more when it gets cold and pretty much not-at-all when it is warm.
My silicone implant didn’t get really cold until now (for I usually wear long sleeves), but the flexNExT on my hand starts to bite a bit when I work with cold water or anything similar.
I think both the scars and the implant suffer due to skin tightening because of the cold - guess that makes sense, for anything that tightens up may induce some kind of pull or pressure somewhere where that isn’t comfortable.
That depends on the moment. When it leaves me in peace, I kinda like it. That’s why I said it can be worth it.
No, never. From the minute it went in, it completely disappeared off my radar. If it wasn’t for the dot on my wrist and the tail of the antenna that can be felt underneath, I’d never know it’s there. I really have to force it out of position to see it and make it bite a little.
First real accident with the doNExT: I banged by wrist rather hard against the edge of the kitchen table an hour ago. It left a kink across the entire implant, that took a good half-hour to (mostly) flatten out. Most worringly, I hit it right on the bullseye’s chip and aluminum crossover connection.
No apparent damage, it all seems to work properly. But I can still feel the kink under my skin some. Also, it hurt a lot more than it normally would’ve. Now I’m hoping it’s not gonna send the implant on the attack again: it’s been rather quiet lately, and I truly wish it stays that way…
Wow, just when I thought it was a done deal, the doNExT had one more surprise in store: over the past 48 hours, the remaining layer of collagen funk still covering the surface of the implant has disappeared completely.
The implant is now completely flat, directly under a thin layer of skin, and is really quite flexible now. I can even see its outer edge on my wrist quite clearly as a thin white line. The center hole has disappeared too, and it’s not coming back when I push on it. It was probably created by the extra layer of collagen raising the skin around it.
This really feels like the last finishing touch. I didn’t even realize my body was still at it. This is week 11. Such a long time!
EDIT: oh and yeah, I can confirm: the center hole really does what I was supposed to do. The skin has fully reconnected through it, and as a result, there is no skin slippage whatsoever over the implant. It’s well and truly anchored in place.
Not at all. But it’s barely visible now, and very hard to catch on camera. But under the right light, you can juuust about make it out. I’ve copied the same image and marked the location of the implant underneath, if that helps to spot it:
For the sake of completeness, I tried to evaluate the actual color shift of the blinkies as the implant healed.
While I did notice they shifted from red to orange as the implant settled down, I haven’t noticed any color change for a long time. They look as orange to me as they have for weeks. But the thing is, I see them every day, several times a day. So I know there has to be a habituation effect.
The photo of the implant on the ACR122 was kindly provided by His Amalness after crafting it back in July. Silly me, I forgot to shoot one myself in “controlled conditions” before implanting it. I tried to match the color/saturation of the ACR122 in his photo with the bit of mine that’s visible on one of the early pictures I’ve taken after the implant job. Not too accurate, but it gives an idea.
And then I tried to match the color/saturation of the table on which I’ve taken the photos at day 3 and day 88 (today) at the same spot, same angle and same illumniation. That’s a lot more accurate: although my skin doesn’t look the same color, the color of the table’s surface matches perfectly. That’s probably a better indicator because, unlike my skin, the table never changes color. My arm was tanned in early September.
And… well, I have to admit, despite my own perception, the blinkies do look properly yellow now. Not as yellow as the naked LEDs, but close. Funny, I just can’t see them any other color than light orange when I look at them in real life. But photos don’t lie. I guess Amal was right after all
Uh oh… The doNExT has awoken. My skin has just collapsed into the center hole again. It look less than 10 minutes. I literally felt whatever collagen was filling up the inside “melt away” under my finger.
I’m not really worried: it’s still perfectly dry and painless and fine. And when I used to have trouble, it was usually the other way round (the hole filling up). Still, I can’t say I feel reassured when the doNExT suddenly wakes up and starts doing stuff
Hmm… And the skin in the middle bites a bit on the inner edge now. I guess there was still some padding left there that suddenly decided to take a hike.
I wonder if this is a cycle of “damage” that @Cybornidas was talking about with @Coma’s implant… but on the inner cutout edge? No idea, but the doNExT is also one of the flex with adhesive contamination so … hard to tell.
No no it’s fine. It’s perfectly settled down and there’s no worry at all. It’s just… I think the “finishing touch” my body had put the other day wasn’t quite finished
It feels very much as thought there was a layer of collagen funk left inside the center hole that hadn’t been flushed the other day with the rest of the funk over the implant proper (which I found odd at the time, incidentally) and my body suddenly decided to get rid of it all of the sudden. It wouldn’t be the first time it did that. But this time I caught it in the act, and I could literally feel the funk dissolving under my finger like butter. Really creepy.
Now the skin is kinda naked against the inner edge of the implant, with the funk gone, and I feel it a bit. But really just a bit. It feels exactly like a cold knife edge resting lightly against the inside of my skin, if that makes any sense. No biggie, it just feels different. I’m sure the sensation will go away within a couple hours.
Note to everyone interested in them - flexNExTies like to scare you a bit occasionally. Sometimes even a bit more. They kinda have their own mind, seemingly
Well it in our heads really. It’s the bitten-once-twice-shy effect. That implant has given us two so much grief that even when our bodies are doing something innocuous, it’s unnerving.