You’re right about that…
But I still think it’s good to know for others what crazy stuff these things can do, so they know it’s all perfectly normal (?) if there is sudden tissue buildup, fluid buildup or whatever buildup
And I still hope for all others with those implants that we just got the few bitchy ones, and most others are just fine
Glad to read this
I think i know now exactly what topic i’ll be reading later on today
Day 100: the doNExT has failed. Specifically, this connection:
How I know:
That was one of the last times I could get the flaky connection to reconnect by pressing on it. Luckily, I thought of grabbing the camera because I had a feeling it wouldn’t work for very long. Sure enough, no matter where and how hard I press on it now, it’s gone silent.
Oh no!
I honestly feel terrible for you… especially after all the patience you had with your implant…
Meh… I’m not as annoyed as I should be. I’ve had time to prepare mentally. I’ve been thinking I was on borrowed time since the recent rash of failures. What really bothers me is, it was really useful to share my contact information and to get into my office easily. Now I have to revert to using the less able flexM1.
Also, my projects are dead in the water until I can get it replaced. If I get it replaced.
The thing to take out of the doNExT’s demise I think, for Amal, is that it’s not just the chip’s connections that need reinforcing - if that’s gonna solve the problem at all, which I’m far from convinced.
that is… surprising.
I think it’s time the flexNExT be removed from the store permanently.
Not to me it ain’t
Still, I have the urgent need to give you a little virtual hug, if that’s okay
Are you planning to?
I’d like to work with Amal on a hard-backed chip-shape replacement, if you’re okay / able to do it of course Amal Or something else entirely that’s totally solid. I realize I really need a long-range NFC implant. One gets used to the convenience.
Maybe I’ll give Lassi a buzz to see what’s doable safely.
let’s explore some options. is it specifically an ntag you’re looking for? i don’t typically see any COB or MOB packages available for that chip type… but maybe there are some PVC cards that contain a MOB packaged NTAG chip we could yank out and make a circle coil for like the flexMT. Those connections are robust.
We should plan on something less virtual once the virus has gone the way of the dodo - it Mr. Coma is okay of course. Totally gentlemanly, I ain’t flexing my dirty mind here
ok i grabbed some ntag216 pvc cards off amazon to take a quick peek at what’s possible.
I still hope for some nice meetup for crazy people With time for chatting, nice music, some bodmod-artists to implant new stuff…
Didn’t expect anything else
Oh wow you’re a fast one.
I was thinking of either researching a rectangular, longish tag that would stay flat across the curvature of my wrist, or another 35-40 mm tag stuck onto a bent PVC card that I would bend to the curvature of my wrist and then cut round (or chip-shaped rather). If it ends up being a large round thing, it would only be a little chippy on the edges but not that much. So perhaps it would have a chance to fit in your jigs somehow.
Either that or I send you a casting of my wrist, you make it flat on a PCL backing, and then you heat it up and mold it to the form - if your biopolymer could resist 160-some degrees for a few minutes.
But before doing any of that, I’d like to know what Lassi thinks of a hard object with sub-millimeter thick edges as an implant. I have a feeling he’s gonna tell me it’s not a bright idea. Also, I’m concerned that it might dig into the biopolymer overlap from the inside.
After my current experiences, I’d be very careful about that… if it’s slightly curved, it might work better, but it’s still risky, I think…
I still think some sort of “rim” might be a good idea, but I’ve got no idea on how to achieve that
The other option is a hard thick “puck” with rounded edges and the implant embedded in it. Not quite sure what material it would have to be made out of though - especially since I’m a lot more careful than Lepht.
I think the better approach is to go with an old school wire wound antenna coil that is welded or soldered to a MOB packaged chip. Very robust, yet still somewhat flexible.
Silicone feels great under the skin, but I think it doesn’t work well with chips…
there are … issues. a pure silicone object is fine… silicone with electronic things embedded in it… not really that great.
That would be ideal. Only I was under the impression that you had no matching chip - antennae for a NTAG.