The flexNExT is now in limited release!

How is that done? Abrasion, heat, chemically?

Neither of that - just my artist, my décolleté and a scalpel :wink:
Usually it’s two cuts next to each other (so the line is not too thin), and then the skin in between is removed.

Ah, pictures say more than words…

(yeah, picture is an implant, but there are nice pics of scarification on the site…)

Köln eh? Damn, we were almost neighbors :slight_smile: I lived in Lüttich for 15 years.

Nah, you were just almost a neighbor of my artist :wink: It’s a two-hour drive by train for me every time (and another two hours back…), but he’s soooo worth it :smile:
And Lüttich is even on the opposite side of Cologne, from where I live^^

Yikes… He’d better be worth it.

Totally is - otherwise I wouldn’t do it :wink:
But I always combine it with a nice city trip, Cologne has some really nice shops for me! So it’s always a little one-day-holiday with a little shopping, a lot of fun with my artist, some pain and a lot of endorphines - what else could I want? :smiley:

What else indeed :slight_smile:

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Can someone with a “real” flexNExT on their wrist make such a video?
Or if it exists, can someone link it?


I feel discriminated against… :slight_smile:


I didn’t think you were one of “those” people @anon3825968
Getting offended on the behalf of others…That was obviously an attack on your doNExT, not you :wink:

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I’m easily offended don’t you know… You can tell in the video in the other thread that my skin is pretty thin :slight_smile:

But he’s a cyborg; the doNExT is a part of him :flushed:


Actually it feels pretty weird to see photos of it outside of me now…

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Hey @Cobble

Did you see @Rajaramjet blue xSIID photo, Brown skin Blue light, I think it looks really good



from this thread

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If I may backtrack a little bit, seeing as the x series tags are resin filled for structural stability, would it be possible to get an xSIID filled with glow resin for a tiny glowing Blinky?

we’ve talked about this a bit elsewhere on the forum but basically not likely because using unknown or untested materials in a clean room factory where lasers could atomize or burn the material in a very expensive sealing machine is probably not going to fly. fumes or vapors from things released in this manner can settle on equipment and inside machines and it’s not likely the factory we contract assemble with would want to do that.

i know from experience how shitty it can get… i once had an oil based vacuum pump without proper fume capture installed and after about 2 weeks i noticed my office and computer and desk and chair and basically everything had this new shine to it… yeah… an atomic layer of oil had gotten on every square millimeter of the entire office / lab… from a simple $50 vacuum pump. oops.


Some people would see that as a good thing lol

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I’ll tell you a story:

I once knew a gunstock maker who used several machine tools to rough out stock shapes, and also belt sanders for rough finishing.

Being a professional woodworker, he knew wood dust was very bad for the lungs. So for decades, he religiously vacuumed his workshop twice a day with an industrial vacuum cleaner.

One day he was diagnosed with stage 4 mesothelioma - one particular type of lung cancer usually associated with asbestos. That was mighty strange, because he had never worked with the stuff in his life, and to his knowledge, had never been to a school or spent any time in any building lined with asbestos.

He was intrigued enough that he asked a specialized lab to come and analyse his entire workshop. The guys in white came, spent half a day taking samples everywhere. A few days later, the results came back: the asbestos came from the vacuum cleaner.

He had bought the damn thing from a second-hand industrial machinery retailer, and it turned out, they in turn had bought it at the liquidation auction of a failed asbestos cleanup company. The retailer had all the machinery they had purchased cleaned and reconditioned by professionals, but… that wasn’t enough: some asbestos fibers had stayed behind in the motor’s inner bits, filter holder and such.

Over the years, twice a day, the vacuum sprayed a few leftover asbestos fibers in my friend’s workshop. Not many, but enough constant low-level exposure to kill him off eventually.

He was really pissed off I can tell you: he spent years meticulously trying to avoid lung cancer from wood dust, just to get lung cancer from the fucking vacuum… If it wasn’t really sad, it’d be deliciously ironic.

… … . wooooww… that’s… wow…
