The official Titan crowdfunding campaign thread

I expect that rubbish from Mr. Freedom Units :wink:


images - 2020-10-09T190832.791
For the rest of the world units. :earth_asia: :straight_ruler:

  • 0.0254 mm, or 25.4 Ī¼m (1 millimetre is about 39.37 thou)

i.e. Super accurate


Haha he started itā€¦felt only fair to respond in kind.

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You are just enabling him :wink: and the others, our job should be to guide them , or if necessary, to drag them out of the dark ages.


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Yeah, youā€™re right. Itā€™s called kerf and itā€™s dependant on the optics the laser is passing though. 0.5mm sounds about right for the commercial CO2 lasers Iā€™m familiar with in the 100W range, but to etch titanium directly without a ceramic intermediary the laser would have to be more than 1000W (probably closer to 5000W). For a big industrial laser like that I bet they can slim down the kerf a bit. That would basically be the minimum feature width (size of a pixel) but what Amal is referencing is the accuracy of the gantry the laser is on.
If you were trying to engrave a symbol like this, the tip of each point would have to be the 0.5mm, but the rest of the image would be accurate to 0.0254mm. I wouldnā€™t worry about it. Unless youā€™re trying to engrave a star field the kerf shouldnā€™t matter.

What are the chances of both sides being custom even if there is a surcharge?
So far I had been thinking about 2 sided pattern, so far I was thinking of having North and South respectively on each side. Not a big deal just curios if it is an option.

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I think Iā€™m trying to save my sanity by limiting it to just one sideā€¦ but once I get the actual laser and start doing some testing we can explore options.


Too late.

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Holy flaggnaut!

And still 5 days to go.

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I am now rethinking my choice of 65!

Number 63 here, at least my plan of getting a titan or two to win the prize is now woid :rofl:
I want to garb one anyhow, as I should have done with the xGlow when I had the chance :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Itā€™s 65. This is blowing my mind.

5 Days left, 80ā€™s are not out of the realm of possiblility.


Iā€™ll hate to say I told you so :slight_smile:

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Weā€™re refunding shipping fees on Titan! Yay!

download (2)


This is what makes you a ā€œgood cuntā€ Amal


Just thinking ahead a little bit (i know the delivery will still be a ways away) but what are the best resources to look at for procedure?

Iā€™ve seen ā€œThe complete guide to magnet implantsā€ by the thought emporium, but im wondering if thereā€™s anything else. I just like to have as much info as i can especially since i donā€™t plan on going to a professional.
(dad is probably gonna say no to trying this so Iā€™m probably gonna ask the other guy on my dorm floor who has a mag from steve haworth and said heā€™d be willing to do mine if needed. or I could ask @Moonman0922 since I almost went with him for my next)

You can probably guess what I think of that.

The only thing Iā€™d add to his guide is: wear masks.

fair point to add,

also ill explain a bit why im not going to a pro: i live in a location and life situation where the closest partner is way too far to travel to without a planned vacation there. and i dont know of any piercers in my area that might even consider it. if i looked hard enough i could probably find someone but between college and covid that would be pretty dang hard if not impossible. so im planning for the next best option

This might be a little off topic but

I would find it highly amusing if Justin from The Thought Emporium was a backer