The official Titan crowdfunding campaign thread

I’ll ask him if he’s interested :wink:

Talk to a medical doctor, or possibly a surgeon… get a surgical reference from your doctor… this is going to be a serious procedure… you’ll want a pro.


I will ask and attempt to gat a pro but considering my luck trying to find one for my NExT, I am just preparing for plan b.

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Total sold is my guess, at 77 magnets.

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68 with 4.5 days to go.

@amal serious question - what is the current probability from a demand perspective that a second batch / run will go ahead? Hell, even at a higher price! Obviously there wouldn’t be the rewards etc., and there is never any guarantees especially with how the magnet manufacturing goes.

While I love the idea of getting one of these, if anything, the current pandemic makes it harder for me to justify it, due to both financial situation and how it makes finding a willing / qualified installer harder.

However, if there is a good chance there will never be another batch, how long will they remain sterile / the gel usable and effective? I may end up ordering one but not being able to install it for a good while.

Typically implants don’t have an expiry date. And if they do, it’s probably still safe after that.
We’re talking years.

You sure about that?

I’ve read more stories of magnet implants going dead after a few years than stories of long-lasting ones. Now, I think most of the issues have something to do with the body breaking down the magnets eventually, therefore it shouldn’t happen to the Titan. But… who knows.

Also, magnetic materials are known to become demagnetized over time. For neodymium magnets, it’s supposed to be less than 1% over a decade or something. But I have neodymium magnets here that aren’t worth jack squat after only a few years. So again, it shouldn’t happen to the Titan if it’s made of the right material, but again… the keyword here is “should”.

I think the Titan is your best bet to have a long-lasting, functional implant under your skin. But I wouldn’t say no expiry date is a sure thing.

They talked about implanting it later, yeah I’m kinda sure it doesn’t have an expiry date in it’s packaging.
And yeah in the body… the whole point of the titan is that it shouldn’t break down over time.

Yeah, okay, wait 20 years and you have 2% less strength. But I’d say that it is still

What I wanted to say is: yes you can/should buy one now and implant it later, cuz you may never be able to get one again.


Thank you for the input on the longevity of the implant! Despite the magnets demagnetising slowly over time, I was more wondering about sterility i.e. whether over time the packaging / seal will break down causing the pouch to no longer be sterile. I know some sterile disposables do or at least used to have expiry dates.

With regards to

I was more referring to the numbing gel included as a stretch goal, often these things can start to go off, especially if they’re not formulated with strong preservatives. Worst case, I should always be able to repurchase that, or get some made locally!

Even if sterility becomes untrustable, it’s an easy enough thing to re-sterilize. That’s the beauty of the titanium shell.

You could do it yourself, or possibly send it back and have Amal re-do it, if he’s willing.

He is thinking about such a service…

This is the last thing that’s holding me back from getting the Titan. I can forgive myself for spending $500 on a magnet as long as it will stay usable during my lifetime (or at least ~40 years). I also don’t want to have to baby it in order for it to not demagnetize. If it did only lose just 1% of its strength every decade I’d be perfectly fine with that but the uncertainty is holding me back.

Well, like I said, if it’s properly made, it should not lose its strength. Far from me to rain on anyone’s parade here, but the fact is that I purchased neodymium magnets that went from strong to worse than fridge magnets in less than 5 years. I’m almost certain they were crap magnets, but there’s always a tiny possibiliy than a similar unfortunate fate could beset the Titan over time.

You can get products made to some pretty shit standards, if you even want to call it standards. Those could fail.

As I understand it, Amal is holding, and verifying, specs on the materials he’s contracting for. Think about it, he’s literally putting his reputation on these. I wouldn’t worry about possible demagnetization. In fact, I’m not. I got two coming.

Also, you might wanna get your mind made up for certain.
3 days, 15 hours, 20 minutes, 36 seconds

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I ain’t saying Amal doesn’t do his best. I’m saying shit happens. 99.9% sure it won’t, but it might.

My mind is fully made up: no magnet for me. But it’s not for lack of want.

Oh I have plenty of reminders set up on my phone for the next few days so I won’t forget. I’ll probably wait until the last day to get one. I want to do more research on my day off tomorrow.

We’re still just stepping into the woods over here on all this… no I legitimately have no idea. Once the campaign ends we will still have several weeks until we even have an update on titanium shell production and first welds.

Definitely check the campaign page for details here. Magnets go to shit for 4 reasons; extreme heat, physical impact, extreme opposing field exposure, and corrosion. When it comes to magnet implants, it’s very likely to be corrosion causing significant field strength loss.

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Damn, I just checked the estimated timeline - didn’t have it on my mind, and I just thought it would be great if I could get it implanted on 12th of december… because I got my flexNExT in on 08/08 and my scarification on 10/10, so getting the magnet on 12/12 would make the perfect logical next step :smile:


I’m just hoping that this isn’t the last of them! I really wanted to get in on the crowdfunding but it’s not likely I’ll have the extra cash for it. I really had to stop myself from taking out a small loan lmao! I’m crossing my fingers!

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If anybody knows about this topic better than I do please feel free to correct me!

Fist of all, you are right!
However you can control for this loss of magnetivity quite well.
Neodymium magnest can be treated pretty much just as ferromagnets are treated. The technology is called ‘ageing’. Ne and B are super additives and they are blended in the ferrite mixture that is powder forged.
Once your magnet is forged you heat treat it (yes, I know about Curie point, but this temperature is below CT!) for a short burst of time, so the strength drops down to about 80%. Almost like UHT milk…
Without heat treatment your magnet is good for nothing but door wedge in about 3-5 years.
The treated magnets, however are keeping their remanence magnetic strength pretty well.
They still use a few percent, but it’s nothing like the half-life of the untreated magnets.
So technically speaking it is not an issue we need to worry about.