TiTAN (Contains spoilers!)⚠

Question for yous guys… did anyone get a printed card with a silver retaining DT sticker that was loose or not properly stuck to the card?

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All fine with mine, was properly sealed :+1:

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Mine was solid

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I did that because I wanted to preserve it. It was properly stuck down :heart: - I’m just a weirdo :see_no_evil:

(for anyone wondering, that was my picture)


mine was properly stuck

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You can see it came properly stuck down in the image two above it. Here’s another one (from that time, just not posted):

Hope I didn’t cause to much concern :joy:


Mine was fine

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Pretty sure my second one was that way. But I just sealed it down to keep it pristine. Couldn’t be 100%sure. It is sealed though now.

Edit, in thinking about it, pretty sure my second one was folded over, just not pushed down all the way if that makes sense.

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Completely off the current topic but still on titans,

does anyone with a titan, or other sensing magnet for that matter, have access to superconductors?

I ask because I was watching a nilered video where he made superconductors and used them to levitate magnets. I wonder what that would feel like to have that effect occur to an implanted magnet?

NileRed Superconductor vid



I wish I could answer yes…
sounds like a neat experiment.

I have a feeling I know the answer to that one: nothing. Your finger will soon be frozen numb by the liquid nitrogen if you’re close enough to feel the repulsion :slight_smile:

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You know that you can dip your finger into the liquid nitrogen without much consequence if you are quick, right? I’m sure you could hold the finger over the superconductor for a second or two, and still feel it. If I had to guess, you would probably feel strong magnetic repulsion, since the superconductor is diamagnetic - but there is also flux pinning, which holds the magnet in place (so its attractive). I am sure it would be an interesting feeling. I unfortunately don’t have the tube furnace, else I could synthesize some YBCO and test it out :stuck_out_tongue: Man Nilered sure has the coolest toys…

You’re my kind of weirdo I did the same


Ya know, I wonder if my college has one I could get someone to use…?

The only reason why I want to study something like physics or bio. I want a lab.

You could build it yourself, if you are interested enough :stuck_out_tongue: had to do something similar

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I’m sorry, I totally forgot to give you a update on my Titan ring fingertip install, because I already reached the 2.5 weeks mark today :see_no_evil: How time flies… :sweat_smile: short reminder that my husband @Cybornidas (hand surgeon) did a sutureless install for me (because I had many issues with stitches in the past) and closed the incision with a thin layer of medical liquid skin glue and steristrips, which turns out very nice. This is how it looks today! :star_struck: love it!

Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten the description of the implantation process, but I decided it might be better to make one single post with short daily summaries about the healing to have a very smooth read in the end. I’m writing on a draft daily and I’m taking pictures of the healing process, also of all the things that might be important enough to share with you. (Also about the places that I try to avoid during the healing process…which is not easy indeed :grimacing: ) I will tell you in advance when this monster of a post goes online… :writing_hand:


Lookin’ forward! ^^

@Mariarangok @DonFire I did not want to open it :sweat_smile: mine are all still stuck down.


If I had more than one, I would have opened only one