Ok I don’t know if this has been addressed, but because the titan is not going to break does that mean its safe to be installed on a gripping surface. I wanted to go with the pad of my ring finger.
I would say safeR than a glassie. For sure.
Not 100% safe, though.
There are more issues with installing in a gripping surface than just breaking the magnet.
You can still pinch the tissue between the titan and the bone.
You can still rip the inner pocket by pushing the titan during a grip.
You can still cause it’s “edges” to cause minor harm around it (internal) while gripping, which happening repeatedly enough might accelerate internal scarring, which can reduce your sensing.
But all of these issues are very dependant on your lifestyle.
If you are very active, carries weights all the time, works stocking stuff… then maybe you would want to avoid gripping areas.
If you’re more of a relaxed person who does most thing mentally… then it might be no issue at all.
Hey @Eyeux what do you think of placing laterally on the proximal phalanx (middle/ring/pinky, between the fingers so it is protected from impacts), a bit closer to the lower edge? Would any of the above mentioned problems apply? You seem to have quite a bit of experience with bodymod
Where I have been thinking also.
That sounds like a prime placement to me.
But again, the way we use our hands is so varied, and so are our activities, that it’s really hard to give any “solid concrete global answer”
In that placement you said, I think most of the “gripping” issues no longer apply and I can only see a couple of issues:
If you practice something like rock climbing, where your fingers commonly get “sideways crushed”, then it might still get in the way.
if you have too skinny/bony fingers, the magnet might be “bumping out”, and that might cause it to have constant friction against the other finger…
Although I believe both of those are things you can figure out if they apply to you with a good degree of confidence way before implanting.
Not sure what’s the sensing loss in comparison to fingertips, though.
Overall that sounds like a great option and I think you addressed most of the issues there! sure would like to hear about someone implanting it there!
Hopefully we’ll know soon - I’m getting my Titan implanted tomorrow in this exact spot (outside of ring finger, proximal phalanx). Seems like the nerves are still pretty sensitive down in the proximal area, so I’m hoping there’s not too much of a loss of sensation down there.
Rock climbing and guitar playing are the exact reasons I decided to try this spot out. Even though the sideways crush is still an issue, I’ll run into it a lot less there then in a pad (plus I hardly ever crack climb, which is the main area you use that technique)
Looks great and calm and perfectly settled! And the bump is a lot smaller than what I expected / feared!
I’m beginning to worry my titan might not fit in the side of a finger again…
Can please more ppl install it in the finger? Thx.
Idk if removing some tissue might be a smart idea. Have to talk with my installer, but I know @Eyeux would probably agree.
I’m getting mine in on Friday. I’m also getting my huge parylene coated one removed because it went bad, so I’ll make a thread with pics of both.
Healing seems to have gone perfectly!!
- 1!!
Yeah… I removed the titan from the side of my finger instead of removing the tissue…
But depending on your finger constitution, you might make it work without having to cut anything out!
Also, think that “removing tissue” from fingers = “removing fat”, which has very unreliable results if you suddenly gain/lose much weight. (the body might stop throwing fat there, or might attempt to compensate. you never know)
Install’s done. Went way better than I imagined (not for any reason other than it being in a finger), gonna do a write up later as I’m still 3 hours away from home, but just thought I’d drop in to say that the install was easy enough. Hopefully I’ll be able to test the sensing capabilities in a couple weeks or so.
I’m pretty sure you’ll come across something to sense before that. I startled myself typing on my laptop when the fans started spinning, shortly after it was my phones speaker… plenty of sen(sational?)(sible?)… things out there in the wild.
Glad it went well!
Looking forward!
oh, yes!! those are the best!!
Especially because you aren’t expecting, it gets so much better!!
I’m so confused. What exactly is a bio magnet used for?
This magnet is made for sensing other magnrts, ferrous metal and electromagnetic fields. This video should explain it https://youtu.be/3aVwvJn7vpo
Talking of which…
I’ve just done my first microwave test now…
Quite insane how my brain keeps translating those feelings!
I was expecting some low tugging or similar feeling. localised at the magnet.
Instead, I felt something between a light static shock and a very light tingling… going all over from the elbow to my palm, running through the magnet and the back of the fingers as well.
It was more intense on the inside of ring and pinkie fingers. Which makes sense, since I placed the Titan closer to the ulnar nerve (which reaches those 2 fingers).
And really nitid! get closer, feel, go away, don’t…
(for the ones jumping in now, My titan is on the back of the wrist, not on the fingers)
Would looove to hear about it
Ask and ye shall receive