Hopefully, yes. We try to put as much info in the post as possible, before it goes online. Also about the numbing gel that worked amazingly well in my case, and about a small and very easy trick that can be used to check if the finger is numb enough to do the scalpel work.
And I finally have some pictures to show you
Since I have my doctor as husband I have at least a good aftercare today he said he would like to change the steristrips. So I had a short chance to get a first picture with my magnetic flux detector foil
The incision looks very nice on this picture you see how my finger looks 48 hours after implantation. Swelling is nearly gone, bruising is always a very visible thing on my skin, but this time it looks nicer than usual until now.
My husband cleaned the area and put some new steristrips on it, in combination with “liquid skin”, finger feels great now! (Before someone asks: in the picture you see some dry blood that was trapped in the glue on Sunday, today there was no fresh bleeding, wound is closed)
This looks totally amazing! Great to see how it heals without sutures - did you do any “special trick” or just steristrips put on tight?
And the Titan itself, is it placed on the fingerpad or on the side of the finger? I can hardly see it at all, what surprises me a lot, considering its thickness…
Hope healing keeps on going that well, and greetings to your husband - looks like he did a very good job again!
Only a thin layer of “liquid skin” glue (you can find it sometimes on Amazon or eBay) and two tight steristrips for two days. hope it stays that way.
I’m surprised too! Because he didn’t remove any tissue. Titan sits still nearly exactly in the middle of the pad and is nearly invisible, which is more than I expected after two days
Greetings back! This was his first Titan, but he already implanted a few Haworth magnets in similar locations for his friends. So it was not that new for him.
Since these two things are based on the same stuff (cyanoacrylate) it’s the similar enough for me even if other people might call it Dermabond or whatever… All nearly the same (if you don’t have the more appropriate sounding things around…)
Greetings back also from my husband (he’s missing the forum, so there is a good chance he will be back soon)
Was exactly the same what my husband explained me I always thought before that it would be necessary to remove at least a similar amount of tissue like the object that will be placed inside. But I know it better now.
I have this thing around all day long every time when I sense a magnet with one of my four xG3 implants, I want to know how the field looks like. My brain already starts to translate the feeling I have into a picture. 98% of all the fields I sense with my xG3’s, I already know before, how they will look like with this foil. But yes, sometimes I feel something which is totally new for me and then I’m happy when I have this thing close by.
My Titan finger is doing still very well. The slight bruising changed color into a nice green-yellow. I can feel the healing process inside, what makes me very happy.
And I keep that finger far, far away from any thing that might cause problems with the healing process, which is very hard sometimes because I would love to have a first sensing impression. But I stay strong and wait, because I know that it’s worth it in the end.
Keep waiting. Etch-a-Sketches use aluminum powder and a mechanical tip to scrape if off the reverse side of the screen to draw stuff. A magnet won’t do diddly squat.
I knew cracking my Etch-a-Sketch open and ruining the carpet - and getting the mother of all ass-whooping as a result - as a kid would come in handy at some point in my life
New to this forum! Implanted the titan 2 days ago in my ringfinger. Seems to be healing fine, no pain at all except when i accidently banged my finger in a metalchair. ! Sewed it shut with 2 stiches. Got in done by a friend that is a doctor
Thought I could drop a three week update.
All is closed, all is healed, the titan moves like crazy inside my finger when I play with magnets. Happy days.
Just scheduled my appointment for install next Saturday! Thank you all for sharing your install and progress pics with the fantastic updates. I am so excited.
Not even because the Titan would be stronger/etc…
Mostly because I do expect to get hit on my wrist strongly at some point.
A titanium encased magnet would cause me some minor harm on the worst case scenario.
A glass encased magnet would have the potential to cause much more harm.
Also, any cylyndrical shape will have a tendency to migrate along it’s length (not assured, but is a big chance). This is less of an issue with an xLED since it sits still enough for the pocket to hold it still. but a magnet’s vibration would increase it’s chance of migration.
the Titan’s length as I placed it is “towards the skin”, thus reducing chance of migration.
Then there is another very minor factor:
The way our brains are “trained” our whole life makes it so that the outside of our arms are more sensitive to sharp localised feelings (these most often mean “harm”, so the brain has a tendency to not filter them) while dispersed wider sensations tend to be numbed down by our brains treating it as “perception noise”. The xG3 causes a more dispersed sensation than the Titan, therefore should require a bit more “rewiring” of the brain to pay more attention to it…
Given that I expect a lot less feeling at the wrist region than at a fingertip, then every tiny help counts! >.o