Wow, 3 days in and you can pound your keyboard no pain? That’s impressive and has me even more excited!
Im presuming it still wouldn’t be great to play with it (microwaves etc) yet but still, wow!
well i sense the computer fans and the phones speaker… I wouldnt put my finger in the microwave mainly cause it would make reattaching it very difficult. (baduntsss) im trying to not do much lifting until everything is completely closed, healed and unbruised
Okay okay, I’m officially hopeless… I shall go back to my cave now
Haha, you don’t need to be good at maths, just count on your five fingers
You took stitches out on day “Ring finger”, you needed to wait until day “pinky”
That’s precisely the problem! I got it on Sunday which was the thumb, then Monday was the pointing finger, Tuesday the middle finger, Wednesday the ring finger and Thursday the pinky.
But some how that adds up to four days since install… hands are weird
I feel you! I got a similar problem with my bodymods in general - I tend to make photos of the healing process, and when I start on day 1 as the installation date, suddenly day 8 is after one week… which sounds silly, because a one-week-old mod should be 7 days old…
(and yeah, we should just call the install day day 0 or the before-the-thumb-day or something like that…^^)
This number thing is actually a thing in computing. Binary can contain two numbers, but the biggest is One, cause the FIRST number is 0.
Thus the difference between numbering and counting. They will always be offset by 1.
An example. We use 10 as a base for our numbering system, but the biggest possible digit in that system is 9. If you go bigger you have to use two digits to denote it.
This seriously trips people up when you first start dealing with it.
Therein lies the problem: she probably skipped her ring finger because it was too sore
Classic: you counted the days’ numbers instead of counted the number of days elapsed. You should have raised your thumb after the first 24 hours had passed - i.e. on Monday.
New update, stitch is our, incision is closed and looking pretty.
The magnet sits there quite comfortably, the rest of te pocket has closed. No pain, no discomfort.
I have fingertip superpowers now
nice to see it all healed up!!
is it still a little bit bloated around the magnet? (or was that just light trick?)
I assume you meant “out”… or did you meant “sour”?
I’m a little bit overzealous with my healing.
Still waiting the cyanoacrilate layer to fall off by itself for the third time, but my guess is that it’s fully healed underneath already.
Anyway, even after that I’ll still give it a full month’s time before exposing to anything!
Just to make sure the inner pocket is 100% healed.
(I do have a history of bad healing experiences on that exact same spot I placed the Titan. Won’t give misfortune any chances!)
hahaha I meant out! these nails are fun but make for really bad typos.
And being overzealous with your healing is definitely the way to go. I’m just impatient and suffer from a generalized recklesness towards bodily harm. My healing is always it’s own special thing because of my lovely genes so every time its a big surprise.
And yest there is a bit of a bump around the magnet cause… well… theres a thing in there now that didnt use to be there so im presuming most of that bump will remain. There is still the tiniest bit of swelling left but for the most part this is how itll look. The bump is somewhat visible but you have to be looking for it and so far it doesnt get in the way of any daily tasks. Its only a bit tender on the incision spot and only if i fiddle with it (which Im aware I shouldnt do).
This was the quickest and easiest heal of the three i got in my hands last week. The pay wedge is fine but because the entry is so close to the wrist joint, moving my hand keeps opening the scab… ugh scar incoming, and the metacarpal xled is a tad cramped in there with the xm1 so with the swelling its been pressing on nerves and tendons and all the fun stuff.
The titan is only outdone by the xSIID in my sternum where there is no mark, no bruise, no bump, no nothing and a crisp clear read through the tattoo… not much squishy stuff above the sternum so yay.
I don’t care at all for typos, tbh, but in this particular case could have reverted the meaning!
That bump is very different than the one I got on my side of finger placement.
Yours look a lot more “natural”. In the sense that it might not be noticed, or just thought of as “it’s a tiny bit swollen”.
Glad to see that on the pad.
On the side of the finger I could see very clearly the perfect outline of the Titan.
Looked more like I had a button under my skin, ready to get pressed.
on my wrist it will be a permanent bump:
but that is within my design: I could’ve reduced the bump by pressing it down further, but since there would always be some bump I would rather embrace it as a bodymod and at the same time keep most of the magnet within the most nervous-sensitive area (skin).
Agree! the Titanium is showing it’s true colours there!
Mine got healed within 2 weeks as well.
Keep it covered in silicon gel. helps wonders both with the scar and forming the pocket.
I’m currently experimenting with Kelo Cote.
I’ve used it before, I’m a bit of a scar veteran. I’m covered in them and my collagen disorder means they can either disappear completely without a trace or become a crazy keloid and there’s not much I can do about it.
Your button looks awesome though!
Ah man, now I’m regretting not getting in on this even more
Gotta keep an eye out for the likely second campaign
That there is a good looking scar!
Just short telling you that I joined the Titan club today! Fingertip install! Used the DT numbing gel (for science ) longer update (and description about the implantation process) later… Or maybe tomorrow…(because I’m still celebrating Valentine’s day ) in the thread for Titan installs. I try to recover the video file from the implantation. Sadly there was an error, during or short after recording…not sure if I can recover it… Otherwise I have to do it again… (joke)
Congrats! Waiting updates!
Another short update here: My Sunday installed fingertip Titan feels great by now. Only slight swelling, little bit of bruising and no pain since yesterday evening. Sadly not much photos to show you since the finger is still nicely wrapped to protect it (because I have to work unexpectedly…) and I don’t want to go a risk because we tried a sutureless wound closure (I had a lot of issues with sutures in the past). I can barely see the very thin incision through it and it looks very good! Try to get a pic of it later.
The video still shows up with a error message… But a friend of mine will take a look at it later this week.
The implantation description will be online also soon, a little delay here because of the missing photos/video of the process, plus I asked my husband to add some helpful medical tipps and charts to explain the whole process.
sounds like will be a great read!!