Where have you stuck yours ⁉ DT Sticker

Ah, another Razer-user :wink: :heart:


Yeah, my last laptop was a cheap piece of 360 convertableness that got me through high school, had like 40 something stickers on it. It died, and I bought a razer for college. Tbh, I’m trying to figure out if I want to incorporate razer tech into my car… but my next project will prob be to wire my trunk to accept hand scans…

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Have I missed something… Were there stickers in the boxes?? :cry:


I dont know about all products but i can at least confirm that one comes in the NExT box

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only the cool kids get them…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not really, but yes you should have one in your box.

If you didn’t get one, you should send a note to Michelle with your next order.
She is awesome so might throw in an extra, but the rules are, your first sticker HAS to be stuck on a police car :police_car: or you can’t be in the cool kid gang.

I am only joking, please dont


Funny story:

Many years ago at my local cyclists association, I met a guy who was an ultra cyclists rights activist. He used to ride around town carrying a bunch of paper stickers with a really nasty glue backing, with messages such as “The cycle path isn’t for parking on you shithead” or “Sidewalks are for pedestrians, not for lazy fucks’ cars” written on them.

He had the stickers custom-printed, and whenever he encountered a poorly parked car, he would stop, whip one out of his belly bag and stick it on the windshield, smack in the driver’s field of vision. Those damn stickers were almost impossible to remove, particularly after it had rained on them.

One day he came across a particularly badly parked car and proceeded to tag it… just as the plainclothesmen whose car it was were coming out of the building across the street where they were investigating. Oops :slight_smile:


What kinda wattage are those motors pulling???

Ok, but did he get away?

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Hell no. He got cuffed an stuffed, booked, judged and condemned to 3 months suspended sentence for degradation of public property, if memory serves. That’s how we found out actually :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, I didn‘t have stickers. But if I would place them on the laptop :wink:

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Damn… Must check my boxes in the morning. Love a bit sticker action!!


Holy poop balls. Look what I found!




I got one of mine right there on the beer fridge now, cheers!! :slight_smile:


You know how they offered those 12 foot tall skeletons for Halloween and they sold out instantly? Maybe we need an 18" diameter DT sticker.


Wait what? I didn’t know these were a thing! Anyone got a pic?

You could have used lmgtfy :slight_smile:

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So it’s not a tall skeleton with 12 feet?