Tragus Implants and You (but also me)

Would you describe the M31 overall as “better” than a xG3? With the current coupon code for the titan i am really considering getting one for a tragus implant.

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Personally I like the titan best, but it depends whether you value lifting or sending more. There are no more m31s

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Nono, not which magnet is “better” in general, i mean specifically for a tragus implant. Since you have direct experience with a xG3 and a M31 (which is fairly close to a titan), would you prefer having the xG3 or the Titan in your ear?

I honestly can’t say, because I haven’t implanted the xG3 v2 (which could be much better because of the strength). I can say the xG3 v1 isn’t particularly impressive, especially because it’s hard to get it installed up on the tragus itself.

My friend was the one who had the m31 installed, and she wasn’t particularly impressed with it either. I mean both magnets worked with the audio equipment, but only from 4-5cm with any fidelity.

i just ordered some 1mm x 0.5mm N discs… just for funsies… might try encapsulation again with polymer. probably useless for anything but tragus implants to be honest.


I’d implant, for science



I like how 3/5 of these had cats in em.



Ok, a Titan it is. Thanks!

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I second this notion!

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I’m sitting here with a pair of cassox fingertip magnets yelling at me to get into my tragus’.

I originally bought them because of the hokey pokey idea out there that a tragus piercing has been said to aid in migraines. I thought why not kill both birds.

Has anyone else thought of this side of it? Once I shove em in I will report back

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That seems like bullshit.

Are you actually going to try and get them working as auditory feedback? Maybe you should try some stuff out with just placing a magnet in your ear before you go getting both sides of your face cut up. If you like the results then you’ll know it’s worthwhile

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oh for sure. it’s based on the vagus(heh) nerve running through there - and very loosely based on acupuncture. everything is anecdotal on the internet about it, so it’s probably fake news. at any rate, i wanted to do it.

im not smart enough for the electronical stuff, so i need to wait to see what the smart folks come up with for that side of things. would be darn cool.

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This amplifier:

This BMS for the pack which I assembled myself:

The coil is 9 turns of 18AWG magnet wire around a 58mm ferrite toroid. The target coil will be the size of a belt and will have many more turns and use Mu metal as the core material to hopefully get a full body audio zone.


In other words, you were looking for an excuse to implant two magnets… But that’s not required around here.

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Talk to my wife about that :slight_smile:
But yes. That’s where I’m going for with that :slight_smile:


I ended up buying an extra Titan off @CobyL777 and want to install in the Tragus!

It looks like I do have the room but I’m not sure if I want the extra Titan there. But the added functionality seemed more ideal since I already have a Titan in my fingertip! Did @Satur9 or @Firespei ever implant one in their Tragus?

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Not a titan, just a smaller magnet. What do you want to do with it once it’s there? Like gnitty gritty details what’s your plan?

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